Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Edible Geography
Lesson that helps young scholars understand geography of states by creating an edible map of the state, using real food to indicate parts of the state.
US Department of Education
Nces Kids' Zone: Dare to Compare Geography Grade 8
Find out how you compare with students nationally and from around the world by taking the interactive online quiz.
Just Maps: World Maps
An index of maps and flags of countries throughout the world. Also provides political maps, time zones, population, and religious maps of every region of the world.
Knight's Canadian Info Collection: Geographic Regions of Canada
Canada is divided into distinct regions, each with a very different landscape and climate. Geographic and ecozone maps as well as text information is included.
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Finding Your Way With Map and Compass
This resource has a topographic map that tells you where things are and how to get to them. Use this site to help you use a map and compass to determine your location.
Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet: World Guide
This World Guide allows you to view information about any country anywhere in the world online. It provides you with zooming capabilities for a closer look at the maps and land layouts. Once you've selected your country, you will find a...
Science Struck
Science Struck: Different Branches of Geography
Learn about the many specializations in the field of geography within its two branches of physical and human geography.
Topo Zone: Free Usgs Topo Maps for the Entire United States
A huge collection of topographic maps for each of the US states. Scroll down to see a map of the United States and click on the state you are interested in. From there, you can search for a particular location, choose a featured map, or...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Social Studies: Grade 6: Catalhoyuk
Read and study the sources about Catalhoyuk. As you read the four sources, think about how the physical geography of Catalhoyuk influenced its development as a civilization.
Lizard Point Quizzes
Lizard Point: The South America Quiz
Take this interactive map quiz from Lizard Point to practice and test your knowledge of South American geography.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Physical Geography
Get a general grasp on the four spheres, five sub-fields, and two scales of physical geography.
The Geography Site
The Geography Site offers many links for your geography research. Links offered are to physical geography, human geography, environment, online lessons, and much more.
Fund. Of Phys. Geography/energy, Temperature, and Heat
A page describing (in part) the distinction between energy, temperature and heat. Includes a graphic illustrating the quantity of energy needed to transform water between various states. Methods of thermal energy transfer (convection,...
Characteristics of Energy and Matter
A lengthy page from the Fundamentals of Physical Geography site. Energy is distinguished from matter, and the different forms of energy are identified and discussed. Four types of heat transfer (convection, advection, conduction,...
Laws of Thermodynamics
A page from the Fundamentals of Physical Geography site. Identifies, describes and elaborates upon the first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics.
Ouc: Glossary of Terms for Physical Geography
A large online textbook of terms pertaining to physical geography. Useful as a supplement when studying this subject.
Organization for Community Networks
Ofcn: The Influence of Physical Geography: Climate
In this lesson from the Academy Curricular Exchange of the Columbia Education Center, this lesson teaches young scholars to determine the physical geography and climate of the area and how they influence the needs of the population.
Maps & Globes: Other Land Forms
A very simple overview of various land forms and their characteristics: peninsula, cape, isthmus, valley, canyon, cliff, and swamp.