Friesian School The Republic
This site from describes "The Republic", the longest of Plato's writings, which is divided into ten books. In it Plato describes justice and the individual as well as his conversations with Socrates.
Middlebury College
Middlebury College: Plato, Mathematician or Mystic?
This Middlebury College site describes Plato's point of view on mathematics and how people are perplexed by his understandings even today.
University of Missouri
Famous Trials: The Trial of Socrates 399 b.c.
This looks at the historic problem of why Socrates was put on trial. The historical artifacts surrounding the trial are available online as are scholarly interpretations through the years.
Boston University
Boston University: St. Mary's University: Plato's Moral Psychology
St. Mary's University provides an essay that argues that Plato's psychology was distinctively defined by his ethical orientations and the necessities of his theory of justice.
Curated OER The Republic
This site from describes "The Republic", the longest of Plato's writings, which is divided into ten books. In it Plato describes justice and the individual as well as his conversations with Socrates.
Curated OER
Wikipedia: Plato
Encyclopedia article about Plato that includes information about his life and works. Also includes a long list of references and links to additional information.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Plato
The founder of a school of Greek philosophy, born in Athens in 429 B.C.; died there in 347 B.C. He was the founder of the first of the four great schools of philosophy, which was called the Academic school.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Plato
Plato was a Classical Greek philosopher, who, together with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy. Plato was also a mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Plato
An illustration of Plato, a Classical Greek philosopher, who, together with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy. Plato was also a mathematician, writer of philosophical...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Clip Art Etc: Plato
(525-456 BC) Ancient Greek philosopher
Curated OER
University of St Andrews: Plato
This University of St. Andrews site offers a very short biography of Plato as well as links to additional information such as pictures, quotations, larger biographies, and some of his works.