Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Where Does Our Waste Go?

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
In this lesson from "The Friends of Auntie Litter", (www.auntielitter.org), waste disposal will be explored. The Pollution Patrol follows the steps involved in trash disposal, starting with a girl tearing a sheet of paper out of her...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Earth, We're in It Together!

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
In this lesson from "The Friends of Auntie Litter", (www.auntielitter.org), Earth Day will be explored. This lesson is one from the "Take Pride Statewide" series. *This lesson is provided by Lana Holmes.
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Team Up to Clean Up

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
In this lesson from "The Friends of Auntie Litter", (www.auntielitter.org), natural and human-made litter will be explored. Students will also participate in a litter removal activity. This lesson is one from the "Take Pride Statewide"...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Earth: We're in It Together!

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
In this lesson from "The Friends of Auntie Litter", (www.auntielitter.org), conservation and describing ways to protect the Earth will be explored. Young scholars will also create a mural of ways to protect our planet. This lesson is one...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: Tad the Tadpole

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Tad the Tadpole is designed to demonstrate how pollution in various areas affects wildlife in their native habitats. The activity is designed to stress the importance of conservation for animals and their surrounding environment. Upon...
Lesson Plan
Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex: The Causes of Pollution

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
For this lesson, the students will identify the types of pollution found in communities by viewing a video. After discussing the types of pollution, the students will discuss ways pollution can be controlled. Students will also explain...
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Biology: Environment and Health Study Guide

For Students 9th - 10th
This comprehensive study guide covers the main terms and concepts needed for a unit on health and the environment.
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Earth Science: Coastal Pollution Study Guide

For Students 9th - 10th
This comprehensive study guide covers the main terms and concepts needed for an earth science unit on coastal pollution. Review questions are included at the bottom of the study guide.

42 E Xplore: The Topic: Recycle Reduce Reuse

For Students 9th - 10th
Here you can find an abundance of information, definitions, links, and other resources pertaining to recycling, reducing, and reusing.
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Earth Science: Ocean Garbage Patch Study Guide

For Students 9th - 10th
Review the main points of the ocean garbage patch.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: The Economics of Pollution

For Students 9th - 10th
Pollution is an example of a negative externality. Despite the gradual reduction in emissions from fossil fuels, many important environmental issues remain. Along with the still-high levels of air and water pollution, other issues...
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Life Science: 12.34 Mass Extinction

For Students 6th - 9th
Discover how mass extinctions play a part in Earth's life history.
Lesson Plan

Pbs Learning Media: Environmental Public Health: Protect Your Health and Environment

For Students 3rd - 5th
Students learn what they can do to protect themselves from health hazards in their environment. They learn about potential hazards, how these can affect their health, and what they can do to minimize their exposure.
Unit Plan

Pbs Learning Media: Quest: Water Pollution Investigation

For Students 9th - 10th
Water pollution is the contamination of water resources by harmful wastes or toxins. This type of pollution can be dangerous to animals and plant populations in and around lakes, rivers, polluted groundwater areas or oceans, and can pose...
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: What Are Market Oriented Environmental Tools?

For Students 9th - 10th
Market-oriented environmental tools are explained, and guided questions are provided. This article from Khan Academy is intended for students who are taking a microeconomics course.
Lesson Plan

Pbs Learning Media: Trade Secrets: Transcript

For Students 9th - 10th
Trade Secrets reveals how the public's right to know the truth about the thousands of chemicals that surround us has been compromised.
National Institutes of Health

Niehs: Kids' Pages: River and Stream Pollution

For Students 3rd - 5th
What makes our rivers and streams dirty? This brief overview discusses the causes of pollution in rivers and streams and how to solve it.
US Environmental Protection Agency

Epa: The Planet Protectors: Activities for Kids

For Students 3rd - 5th
Through this EPA resource, explore your environment and discover the animals, plants, air, and water around you. Learn how to protect the world we live in with fun games.
Lesson Plan
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)

Smile: Acid Rain and How It Affects Our Environment

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
In this lesson plan the teacher uses sulfuric acid with stones, leaves, and raw fish to demonstrate the effects of acid rain on the environment. Learners create an environmental mural.
Michigan Reach Out

Reach Out Michigan!: Contaminated Drinking Water

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
This site is provided for by Reach Out Michigan! Use the site to learn if our eyes and taste buds can detect contaminated drinking water by doing a simple experiment.
Lesson Plan
Michigan Reach Out

Reach Out Michigan: Acid Rain

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
This experiment from Reach Out Michigan "demonstrates the effect of acid rain on statues and buildings."
Lesson Plan
Michigan Reach Out

Ocean in a Bottle

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
At this site pupils will discover what happens when oil or liquid detergent are dumped into our earth's water supply.
Lesson Plan

Pbs Teachers:world in the Balance: Who Will Take the Heat?

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Examine the environmental, economic and political issues surrounding global climate change policy. Conduct a role-play, and explore the options available to tackle global climate issues.

South Carolina Forestry Commission: Clean Air Act of 1970

For Students 9th - 10th
This site talks about the development of the Clean Air Act and its effects in South Carolina.