Unit Plan

Wisc Online: Communication: The Writing Process

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
The learner will identify the three steps: prewriting, drafting, revising/editing, in the writing process and the elements in each step. W.9-10.5 Writing Process, W.11-12.5 Writing Process
Unit Plan
Department of Defense

Do Dea: Real Survival Skills

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Learn about process analysis, writing procedurals texts, the steps of the writing process, and cause and effect in this unit. Also, examine patterns of organization in writing. A handy chart shows common organizational patterns which...
Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Teaching: Prewriting and Planning Personal Narratives

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson focuses on prewriting and planning a personal narrative. The information can be used in all types of writing. It discusses brainstorming ideas, narrowing the focus, and developing the central idea. W.9-10.5 Writing Process,...
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Generate Ideas and Questions

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson will focus on the writing you do in high school. Whether you write expository and persuasive essays or short stories, your first steps are to determine and define your audience. After that, you will begin to generate ideas...
Yale University

Yale New Haven: Writing in the Intermediate Grades

For Students 9th - 10th
A great site from the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute by teachers helping to guide students through the process of writing papers. It explains prewriting strategies, organization, and each draft of a paper.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: Application Student Selected Task: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Prepare to write by analyzing the requirements for the culminating task product for the application unit.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: Application Student Selected Task: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Conduct research to gather additional evidence to prepare to write.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: Teenage Brain: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Prepare to write by previewing the section diagnostic. This will help you understand the writing task.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: Teenage Brain: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Prepare to write by previewing the section diagnostic to help understand the task.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: Romeo and Juliet: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Prepare to write by previewing the culminating task for Romeo and Julie to help understand the task.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: The Joy Luck Club: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Prepare to write by brainstorming and determining the focus.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: The Joy Luck Club: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Understand how learning about the past in The Joy Luck Club allows the mothers and daughters to alter their perceptions of one another. Choose one mother and daughter's experiences from part four of The Joy Luck Club to use to support...
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: The Joy Luck Club: Parts One and Two

For Students 9th Standards
We will gather and organize evidence from parts one and two of The Joy Luck Club and the excerpts from Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother to prepare to write.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: A Lesson Before Dying: Organize Before Writing

For Students 9th Standards
Revise the organization of your writing to a prompt to make sure the structure is appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: A Lesson Before Dying: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
We will prepare to write by analyzing the culminating task for A Lesson Before Dying guidebook unit. This will help us understand the task and prepare to gather evidence.
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: A Lesson Before Dying: Prepare to Write

For Students 9th Standards
Prepare to write by posing and answering questions about the theme of isolation in A Lesson Before Dying.
Georgia Department of Education

Ga Virtual Learning: Outlines [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th
This site provides a collection of samples of outlines. Examples are provided for the following types of outlines: alphanumeric, full sentence, and decimal.
SUNY Empire State College

Empire State College: Developing Ideas for Writing: Brainstorming

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This resource explains brainstorming and gives a sample idea list generated from brainstorming.
SUNY Empire State College

Empire State College: Developing Ideas for Writing: Clustering

For Students 9th - 10th
Explains clustering and its advantages as a pre-writing exercise.
University of Richmond

University of Richmond: Brainstorming

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the University of Richmond provides step-by-step guidelines through the prewriting brainstorming process. Recommended as a solution to writer's block. Though brief in its content, the site is factual and informative.
University of Richmond

University of Richmond: Pre Writing Clustering

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the University of Richmond provides information on the subject of clustering. "Clustering is a type of prewriting that allows you to explore many ideas as soon as they occur to you." This handout explains the principles of...
University of Ottawa (Canada)

University of Ottawa: Start With an Outline

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site from the University of Ottawa provides a brief, but effective, explanation of how to use a sentence outline to organize and shape your paper.

Indiana University of Pennsylvania: Writing Center: Creating an Outline

For Students 9th - 10th
The Indiana University of Pennsylvania Writing Center provides a tutorial lesson for "outlining" as a way of prewriting for an essay.
Education Place

Houghton Mifflin: Eduplace: 5 Ws Chart [Pdf]

For Students K - 1st Standards
This site from Houghton Mifflin Company provides a simple, reproducible chart to help students gather details of Who, What, When, Where, and Why. This could be used as a reading comprehension tool, or as prewriting for expository writing.