Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: School Publishers: Make Your Own Cartouche
Featured is a description of hieroglyphics and the ancient Egyptian nameplate, the cartouche. Type in your own name to see what it would look like in hieroglyphics.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Hieroglyphs (Lesson Plan)
Students learn about one of the oldest writing systems, Egyptian hieroglyphics, and then create their own hieroglyphics.
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Scroll Paintings (Lesson Plan)
Learners apply knowledge about Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and work collaboratively with classmates creating scroll paintings in this lesson. The Book of the Dead is referred to in teaching students about Ancient Egypt and...
Curated OER
Macmillan/mc Graw Hill: The World: V. 1: Rivers and Civilizations: Lesson 5 Quiz
Short quiz to test knowledge of Ancient Egypt.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Ancient History Sourcebook: Egypt
A reference guide for Egypt is shared on this resource compiled by Fordham University.
The British Museum
The British Museum: The Underworld of Ancient Egypt
Travel into the Underworld, a place, according to Egyptian belief, that one must pass through to get to paradise. See if you can make it safely.
University of California
Uc Irvine: Egyptian Fractions
An introduction to the way the ancient Egyptians wrote fractions, along with a more sophisticated look at the process of converting modern fractions to Egyptian form. Contains a very informative and interesting group of related links,...
The British Museum
Ancient Egypt: Pharaoh Lord of Two Lands
This site provides a detailed overview of the most powerful person in ancient Egypt, the pharaoh. Content includes a story detailing the creation of the pharaoh, various pieces of ancient artwork, and a learning activity.
Penn Museum
Penn Museum: A New Look at an Ancient Culture: Egypt
Students can take a virtual tour of a collection of Egyptian artifacts, visit the sites of numerous archaeological expeditions, and learn a tremendous amount about the complex gods and goddesses of the Egyptian religion.
Absolute Egyptology: Atum
Choose Atum from the list on the left, which links to a picture and some information on the Egyptian god.
Absolute Egyptology: Isis
Choose Isis from the list of Egyptian gods and goddesses on the left. The site includes a picture and some information on the goddess. There is also a link that takes you to a page that tells the Myth of Osiris.
The House of Ptolemy: Home Page
An extensive directory of Internet resources related to the Macedonian Dynasty in Egypt.
Reeder's Egypt: Mysterious Muu and the Dance They Do
History and speculation about Ancient Egyptian muu dancers, types of muu dancers and their roles in ancient society.
Clip Art by Phillip Martin: Ancient Egypt
Library of ancient Egyptian clip art, by illustrator and educator Phillip Martin.
Virtual Egypt: Kings and Pharaohs Hieroglyphics
Provides hieroglyphic translations for many of the prominent pharaohs from Egypt's past. A good resource for instructing students about Egyptian writing and royalty.
Friesian School
Friesian School: The Tomb of Rameses Ii
The Friesian School provides a drawing and brief description of Rameses II's tomb.
Quia: Egyptian Numerals
Practice changing Egyptian numerals into our everyday numbers we use and vice versa. Three hints are available. This game is set up with a game show format. See how high you can climb on the money chart!
Quia: Exploring Lines and Angles
If you're looking for a short quiz to check your students' basic knowledge about ancient Egyptian art, then you will find this site very useful. There are seven scored multiple choice questions, and the quiz automatically shows the...
Ducksters: Quiz: The Army and Soldiers of Ancient Egypt for Kids
History Questions: Egyptian Army Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: Boats and Transportation of Ancient Egypt for Kids
History Questions: Boats and Transportation Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: The Book of the Dead of Ancient Egypt for Kids
History Questions: Book of the Dead Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: The Nile River and Geography of Ancient Egypt for Kids
History Questions: Nile River Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: The Inventions and Technology of Ancient Egypt for Kids
History Questions: Inventions and Technology Quiz, Test, and WebQuest