Wikipedia: Epigram
Wikipedia provides the definition of an epigram, including examples of epigrams by a number of poets.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: What Are Quoting and Paraphrasing?
This reference provides clear explanations of quoting and paraphrasing. Examples of a paraphrase of a direct quotation is also provided.
Proverbial Wisdom: Quotations
A large collection of proverbs listed alphabetically (over 600). Listed together with the culture of origin.
Dash, Parentheses, Bracket, Ellipsis, and Slash
This site contains information on the correct use of the following types of punctuation: dash, parentheses, bracket, ellipsis, and slash. Examples are provided for each of the uses discussed.
Pbs News Hour: Responding to Quotes and Aphorisms
The objective of this lesson plan is to teach students about responding to quotes and aphorisms. This site features a lesson plan with detailed information.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Quoting and Paraphrasing: Think and Try
This reference demonstrates how to incorporate in-text referencing. Examples are provided for long quotes and short quotes.
East Meets West: Ralph Waldo Emerson
This article examines the influence of Vedic literature and thought, including the "Bhagavat-Gita," on Emerson's philosophy and writing.
Quotations by Author: Kurt Vonnegut
This site shares quotations from the famous science fiction author named Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007).
TES Global
Tes: Character Analysis
[Free Registration/Login Required] A downloadable graphic organizer for analyzing a character is provided on this page.
The Quotations Page: Lord Alfred Tennyson
Students and teachers will benefit from these examples of quotes from Lord Alfred Tennyson. This site offers only a handful of examples. Don't miss out.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Capitalization in Quotations
This video lesson focuses on the rules of capitalization as they apply to quotations.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Divided Quotation Punctuation
Notes demonstrating how to correctly write and punctuate a divided quotation. Notes can be read and/or listened to and examples are provided.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Incorporating Quotes in Writing
This slideshow lesson focuses on how to incorporate quotes into writing. It explains the rules for using quotation marks, discusses how writers use quotation marks, and explains quotation etiquette with examples of single quotations and...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Mla Format: Short Quotes
A four-page printable document followed by a screencast lesson [5 mins, 17 secs] explaining how to format short quotations using MLA formatting.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Short Quotation Punctuation
This slideshow tutorial focuses on punctuating short quotations; it defines short quotations, explains how to smoothly integrate quotations into your writing, and gives the rules for punctuating them according to method of integration.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Adding Words to Quotations
A seven-slide presentation explaining how to make minor additions or changes to a quotation in order to make it fit properly into a new text. Examples are provided.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Adding Words to Quotations
This slideshow lesson explainsr how to alter a quotation by adding or changing words. Numerous examples are provided.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apa Format: Long Quotes
A three page printable document of notes followed by a screencast lesson [4 mins, 55 secs] explaining how to format long quotations using the APA style.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apa Format: Short Quotes
A five-page printable document followed by a screencast lesson [6 mins, 31 secs] explaining how to format short quotations using APA formatting.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Capitalization in Quotations
A six-slide presentation explaining capitalization rules for words inside quotation marks. Examples are provided.
McMaster University
The Bertrand Russel Archives: Quotations
Selected quotes by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), the British philosopher, logician, essayist, social critic, and pacifist. You will find a taste of his thinking on everything from relationships ("One should have a general attitude of...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Strategies for Editing: Practice 3 (English I Writing)
Proofread and mark errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Using Sources: Quotation
This lesson focuses on integrating source material using direct quotations including examples and a chart of when to use them.
W. W. Norton
W. W. Norton & Company: Writing About Literature: Effective Quotation
Information about rules and useful strategies for effective use of quotations.