Renaissance Personalities Student Home Page: Titian 1477 1576
Easy-to-read short biography of Titian citing his background and his accomplishments. Part of a school project for 8th graders.
Flemish Art Collection: "Cat and Dead Game" by Carstian Luyckx
Depiction of the painting "Cat and Dead Game" by Carstian Luyckx. The page loads in Dutch, but there is an option to view the page in English.
Ibiblio: Web Museum: The High Renaissance
A listing, with links, of some of the artists associated with The High Renaissance art.
Curated OER
Tobias and the Angel
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
Madonna and Child With a Carnation
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
The Baptism of Christ
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
Portrait of Ginevra De' Benci
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
Madonna and Child (The Benois Madonna)
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
Madonna Litta
Find a collection of 25 paintings by Renaissance-era master painters, including more than a dozen of Leonardo's most famous works. Paintings are accompanied by links to explanations of the artistic problems and puzzles that fascinated...
Curated OER
Codex Atlanticus
This gallery of 22 excerpts from Leonardo's notebooks is accompanied by historical information and links to additional explorations of his interests in the forces of nature, light and vision, and imagination and invention. The drawings...
Curated OER
Paris Manuscript B
This gallery of 22 excerpts from Leonardo's notebooks is accompanied by historical information and links to additional explorations of his interests in the forces of nature, light and vision, and imagination and invention. The drawings...
Curated OER
Codex Trivulzianus
This gallery of 22 excerpts from Leonardo's notebooks is accompanied by historical information and links to additional explorations of his interests in the forces of nature, light and vision, and imagination and invention. The drawings...
Curated OER
Codex Madrid I
This gallery of 22 excerpts from Leonardo's notebooks is accompanied by historical information and links to additional explorations of his interests in the forces of nature, light and vision, and imagination and invention. The drawings...