Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Challenge: Drum Partner
Learn how to use the sound sensor for the Lego robot with this page.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Robotics
A collection of video lectures from a course introducing students to the principles of robotics. Webpage includes forty lectures from a professor at the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. Lectures vary in length and...
University of California
University of California: Geometry in Action
This page collects various areas in which ideas from discrete and computational geometry (meaning mainly low-dimensional Euclidean geometry) meet some real-world applications.
Michigan Reach Out
Michigan Reach Out!: Nasa Robots
Basic lesson plan that helps young scholars understand how robots perform simple activities in space.
Pbs Teachers: Real Scientists: Electrical Engineer
Discover how an electrical engineer is using artificial intelligence to make robots "smarter." Consider how robots can be used to explore other planets.
Robix Corporation/educational Robot Kits
Robix sells robotics kits to the education industry. Experience robotics through the use of VRML as a plug-in to your browser. Links to download the plug-in are on the site.
Pbs Teachers:you Can Make It on Your Own: Robo Wars
Enter a robot design competition. Assemble a motor-powered vehicle that can climb up the steepest ramp angle, using a specified selection of parts, and make improvements in the design as needed.
Scientific American
Scientific American: Controlling Robots With the Mind
This seven-page article, published by Scientific American, explores how people may someday command wheelchairs and prosthetic devices by "thinking them through" the motions.
Popular Mechanics: Technology
Popular Mechanics covers the latest in technology. Topics include computers, the Internet, audio, television, and more.
Other Technology: Engineering: Robo Copters in Marines' Future
Learn about the possibility of using robotic helicopters, summoned by a soldier's digital handheld, to assist in a combat area.
Curated OER
Reliable Robots
Explore the world where robotics engineers at NASA's Ames Research Center design, build and test robots used for missions in space. This site also provides an integrated math and science lesson. [5 mins, 35 secs]
Curated OER
Module 2
Learn about different kinds of robots as you build them in five interactive simulations.
Curated OER
Module 3
Learn about different kinds of robots as you build them in five interactive simulations.
Curated OER
Module 4
Learn about different kinds of robots as you build them in five interactive simulations.
Curated OER
Module 5
Learn about different kinds of robots as you build them in five interactive simulations.