Wikipedia: Byronic Hero
A descriptive site about the term Byronic Hero as used by Lord Byron in "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage". With background information about the origin of this idealized yet flawed hero.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: American Literary Time Periods Chart (Pdf)
This chart features the six American Literary Time Periods: Puritan Times (to 1750), Rationalism/Age of Enlightenment (1750-1850), Romanticism (1800-1850), Realism (1850-1900), Modernism (1900-1950), and Contemporary/Postmodernism...
W. W. Norton
Norton Anthology: Overview of Literary Gothicism
Do you know what type of literature "literary Gothicism" represents? Find out what types of literature throughout the ages have been touched by the Gothic influence when you visit this site.
Common Lit: Book Pairings: "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Selected (9) reading passages (grades 10-12) to pair with "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. After being forced to wear a scarlet "A" and live on the outskirts of the colonial Puritan settlement, Hester Prynne struggles to...
Art Lex: Romanticism
This is an exceptional site containing descriptions, definitions, biographies and visuals of Romanticism art.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: German Idealism
An excellent breakdown of the development of German Idealism. Refers to each of the important thinkers, and their inter-relationships.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Church, Niagara and Heart of the Andes
Frederic Edwin Church is most famous for his large, blockbuster--ized landscapes. Among the many he painted, Niagara (1857) and The Heart of the Andes (1863) are justifiably the most famous. View pictures of these paintings and read...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Catlin, the White Cloud, Head Chief of the Iowas
George Catlin's paintings and illustrations show Native-Americans as real people as opposed to noble savages as Europeans often viewed them. View examples of his paintings and read their backstory in this essay.
British Library
British Library: Discovering Literature: Romantics & Victorians Themes
From Romantic poetry to Gothic horror, from depictions of poverty and industrialization to portrayals of the middle classes, and from crime fiction to fin de siecle decadence: the literary works of the Romantic and Victorian periods...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Goya, the Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (Quiz)
How much do you know about Goya's work The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters? Find out by answering this four-question multiple-choice quiz. Check each answer before moving to the next question. Hints are available for each question.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Goya, the Third of May
How much do you know about The Third of May by Goya? Find out by answering this five-question multiple-choice quiz. Check each answer before moving to the next question. Hints are available for each question.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ingres, La Grande Odalisque
How much do you know about the painting La Grande Odalisque by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres? Find out by answering this four-question multiple-choice and true/false quiz. Check each answer before moving to the next question. Hints are...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Romanticism
This short article tells of the period of time in the late 18th century, when strong emotion and irrational behavior was expressed through the arts. It tells how Romanticism rejected harmony, balance and calmness, and yet typified...
Ibiblio: Web Museum: Classicism
This site gives an overview of classicism, then proceeds to compare it with neoclassicism. The article then explores the roots of the term "classicism" and its inherent meaning to the Greeks and Romans. Contains a French translation.
Art Quizz: Romanticism (2)
A quiz on Romanticism. This is a great tool for assessment or review and an even greater way to incorporate technology in the artroom. This site is translated from the original French version. The homepage provides different languages.
Georgetown University
Georgetown University: Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 1864)
Classroom strategies in the study of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Includes links to related sites.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: Romanticism
This site from the Internet Modern History Sourcebook provides great information on the Renaissance. No text on this page, but a series of links from roots of Romanticism, to Romantic philosophy, to Romanticism in the Arts.
University of Houston
University of Houston: What Is Romanticism?
Offers a definition of both Romanticism and Neoclassicism.
University of Pennsylvania
Romanticism: Authors
This resource provides links to many authors of the Romantic era. Biographies, works, and portraits are displayed for each author.
The Wharton Group
Discover France: Eugene Delacroix
This site offers a biography, work samples, and links related to the Romantic French painter, Eugene Delacriox. Includes a couple pictures of some of his art.
Then Again
Then Again: Web Chron: Frederick Chopin
This site from the North Park University provides a brief biographical sketch of pianist Frederick Chopin describes briefly the Polish nationalist themes in his compositions.
The Wharton Group
Discover France: Art Periods: Romanticism
This site provides an overview of all art forms during the Romantic period.
Wikipedia: Eugene Delacroix
Wikipedia offers a biography on painter Eugene Delacroix that discusses his life and works. Mentions specific works and his overall influence on the world of painting.
Wikipedia: Classicism
Wikipedia provides a brief overview of the classicist form of drama is provided in this encyclopedia article. The Three Unities of time, place, and action are also discussed along with a listing of classicist playwrights.