Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Math Today for Ti Navigator Usa Money in Circulation
Students will determine the approximate number of $20 bills in circulation as of December 31, 2001, using percent and total number of bills from the USA TODAY Snapshot "USA money in circulation." Students will write their answers in...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Scientific Notation
This StudyCards set demonstrates need for scientific notation, using real-world examples. Includes guided activity promoting proper form.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Light Years Away
In this activity, students develop models for a light year and compare numbers written in scientific notation and in standard notation.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: The Large and Small Number Game
This activity gives students an opportunity to see where large and small numbers are used and how scientific notation offers a convenient method of writing such numbers.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Math Today the New Color of Money
The USA TODAY Snapshot allows students to use scientific notation with real-life data. Students will work with large numbers when determining the height of a stack of $20 bills. Unit conversion will be used from one unit of measure to...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Scientific Notation
Students will write numbers in standard form and in scientific notation. Students will apply basic operations to both forms.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Keeping Up With Trash
In this activity, students use scientific notation in finding answers to real-life problems.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Fundamental Topics in Science App
This App provides information and activities to help students explore and understand topics in Science such as significant figures, precision and accuracy, scientific notation, and the scientific method.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Take a Deep Breath on the Appalachian Trail
A lesson plan that includes a PowerPoint learning module for students. They will examine spreadsheet data on air quality in Great Smoky National Parks, and solve problems using ratio and proportion. The exercises will help them to...
Texas A&M University
Wtamu Virtual Math Lab: College Algebra: Scientific Notation
Learn how to write a number in scientific notation and in decimal notation using this tutorial, which provides step-by-step examples, video explanations, and practice problems with answers and discussions.
Texas A&M University
Wtamu Virtual Math Lab: Beginning Algebra: Negative Exponents
A tutorial with step-by-step examples involving negative exponents and scientific notation. Offers a review of the exponent rules and cites them to justify steps taken in the examples.
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Multiplication and Division With Scientific Notation
Learn how to multiply and divide numbers when they are written in scientific notation with this easy-to-follow tutorial.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Notacion Cientifica
In Spanish. Interactive activities to learn and practice scientific notations.
Pbs Teachers: Math Space Odyssey: The Capacity of the Planets
Use this activity to teach students to represent numbers in scientific notation, and use geometry to solve problems related to three-dimensional figures. Explore distance and capacity problems about planets in the solar system. The...
Ieer: Scientific Notation
This is an excellent tutorial for scientific notation. The site covers the basics of what scientific notation is and how it is used. Rules for use in computations is also given. The site contains a link to a worksheet near the bottom of...
New York University
Nyu: Math Mol: Scientific Notation
Resource on the topic of scientific notation. It includes a lesson, examples, exercises to try and check, and real world applications relating to science.
Mangahigh: Number: Change Between Scientific Notation and Standard Form
Determine what quantity in needed to divide decimals.
Mangahigh: Number: Solve Problems Using Scientific Notation
Understand how to imterpret scientific notation on a calculator.
Mangahigh: Number: Scientific Notation Problems Without a Calculator
Test your knowledge of scientific notation.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Approximating With Powers of 10
Practice comparing two real-world quantities by approximating them using rounding and powers of 10. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video, or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiplication and Division With Powers of Ten
Practice solving multiplication and division problems that involve powers of ten. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video, or receive hints.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Expressing Numbers in Scientific Notation
Given problem situations, the student will express numbers in scientific notation.
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Chemistry: Scientific Notation
The learning resource investigates scientific notation. It provides a table with numbers written numerically, in words, and in scientific notation.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Web Math: Convert Regular Decimals to Scientific Notation
This site gives an answer and explanation for any conversion requested by the user.