Teach Engineering: Engineering: Simple Machines
Simple machines are devices with few or no moving parts that make work easier. Students are introduced to the six types of simple machines - the wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, and pulley - in the context of the...
Teach Engineering: Let's Move It!
Students explore methods employing simple machines likely used in ancient pyramid building, as well as common modern-day material transportation. They learn about the wheel and axle as a means to transport materials from rock quarry to...
Teach Engineering: Simple Machines and Modern Day Engineering Analogies
Students apply the mechanical advantages and problem-solving capabilities of six types of simple machines (wedge, wheel and axle, lever, inclined plane, screw, pulley) as they discuss modern structures in the spirit of the engineers and...
Read Works
Read Works: Machines Can Move
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about simple machines people use every day. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Machines Can Move!
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about simple machines used in daily life such as: a pulley, a screw, an inclined plane, a wheel and axle, a wedge, and a lever. A question sheet is available to help students build...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Lever
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Definition of a lever and the three different classes, and how each one changes force.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Screw
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] What a screw is, how it works and its mechanical advantage.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Wedge
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] What a wedge is and its mechanical advantage, how it changes force to make work easier.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Pulley
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] What a pulley is and the three basic types, and the mechanical advantage of a pulley.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Simple Machines
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] What a machine is, the three ways that machines make work easier and simple and compound machines.
Science Museum, London
Science Museum: Grain Strain
Combine the simple machines to accomplish a task in this interactive game.
Ab Cya: Magic Pen: A Physics Based Game
A challenging game of physics for students to enjoy. Test gravity and patience by adding parts to the illustration to move a ball along to the flag.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Force, Energy, and Motion: Complex Machines for Simple Tasks!
Designed for Grade Eight, this collection of lessons provides information, examples and quizzes related to simple machines. Elementary students studying this topic will find this site informative as well.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Physics Quizzes: Simple Machines
Assess your understanding of the six simple machines with this interactive multiple choice quiz. Immediate feedback is available.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Engineering Solutions
Anyone who has attempted one of those "claw machine" games at local restaurants or retailers knows how impossible it seems to win. This activity will get students using the engineering design process to develop a claw that will actually...
Try Engineering: Engineering Ups and Downs
Engineering design lesson plan examines the principles behind working elevators. Teams of students explore how elevators work, then design, build, and evaluate their own elevator to service a toy car garage.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Examples of Pulleys in Daily Life
Learn how pulleys work and their many uses in everyday life, industry, recreation, and other activities. Includes many pictures of pulleys and pulley systems.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ap Physics: Statics and Torque: Conceptual Questions
This is a list of 19 study questions covering the major concepts in Chapter 9: Statics and Torque from the AP Physics online text.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ap Physics: Statics and Torque: Summary
This page provides a summary of each section of Chapter 9: Statics and Torque from the AP Physics online text.
Museum of Science
Museum of Science: Inventor's Toolbox: The Elements of Machines
Simple machines that were all in common use for centuries before Leonardo da Vinci's time, followed by devices that combine these in various ways.
Maryland Science Center
Maryland Science Center: March Madness Finger Basketball [Pdf]
Build a miniature basketball court, and use a spoon lever to shoot balls into the basket. Experiment with different materials to see which one works the best.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Levers Weight Lifters
During this lesson, students will have the opportunity to explore levers through hands-on experiences and by navigating the Internet. This lesson allows students to use their experiences to determine how levers and other simple machines...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: How to Make Something Simple, Hard
Students will have completed a unit of forces and motion prior to the current unit of study on simple machines (lever, inclined plane, screw, wedge, pulley, wheel and axle). Students will review the functions and examples of simple...