Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Machines All Around Us
Student will examine different rooms in the school looking for simple machines. They will use digital cameras to take pictures of the simple machine they have found in the school and Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation of their...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Simple Machines
This lesson will teach students about simple machines. Students will have an opportunity to explore and identify simple machines used in their everyday lives. Students will enjoy learning as they play a game on the Internet about simple...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Incline Plane and the Crashing Marble
Students will measure the effects of the height of an inclined plane on the force a marble produces to move a plastic, foam, or paper cup across a table. Students will discover that the higher the incline plane, the more force produced...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Inventions Using Simple Machines Project
Students will have completed a unit on the six simple machines (lever, inclined plane, pulley, wedge, screw, and wheel and axle) before beginning this project. Students will choose to investigate an invention composed of one or more...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Simple Machines Webquest
This lesson is designed to allow students to explore simple machines through a WebQuest with Internet resources provided for research of simple machines. Students then create a report, with pictures, in Word, and finally, invent their...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Simple Machines
During this lesson, learners learn about the six types of simple machines. They define each type of machine, experiment with each type, utilize the Internet to explore each type of machine and build their own simple machine. This lesson...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Interactive Physics for High School
This digital textbook covers core physics concepts and includes interactive features, real world examples, videos, and study guides.
Uss Constitution Museum: Constructing a Warship
USS Constitution was built as a fighting machine and utilized the six simple machines of science to accomplish the many tasks required of her. Students will identify and manipulate these machines to create inventions that would have made...
Arts Now Learning: Dancing Machines [Pdf]
In this lesson, 4th graders explore simple machines through movement and create imaginative new machines through choreographic sequences and collaboration.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Simple Machines (Grades 1 To12)
In this lesson plan students start by trying to open a paint can with their bare hands. Eventually, they will use a lever to open it. Various activities are used to enforce different simple machines.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Six Simple Machines: How They Combine to Form Complex Machines
For this activity, learners predict which simple machines might be inside a small household appliance. They then take it apart to investigate, and record what they discover. In the process, they learn how simple machines are combined to...
Abcteach: Science: Simple Machines
[Free Registration/Login Required] A collection of ready-to-go worksheets and diagrams of simple machines.
Pbs Teachers: Cantilever Model
Learn about cantilevers by building one with straws and masking tape.
Pbs Teachers: Secrets of Lost Empires Ii: Lever an Obelisk
Utilize an understanding of how a lever works to lift an obelisk, using as few of the weights and support stones as possible in this online interactive activity.
Pbs Teachers: Secrets of Lost Empires I Colosseum
Discover how to use pulleys to change the direction of force, compare different pulley designs and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a pulley.
Pbs Teachers: Secrets of Lost Empires Ii: Lever Lift
Examine the classes of levers and discover how levers work by raising a brick with shish kebab skewers.
Pbs Teachers: Secrets of Lost Empires I Obelisk
Investigate how levers can be used to lift objects and discover how the position of the fulcrum affects the force and the distance of the load lifted.
Nasa: The Screw
In this lesson plan students learn how to make a screw and compare how many turns it takes for different screws to embed into a piece of wood.
Nasa: Simple Machines
A lesson plan site that contains activities designed to give grades 3 and 4 experiences in using simple machines.
The Franklin Institute
Franklin Institute Online: The Pulley
This site provides an easy to understand experiment that will demonstrate the pulley to students in grades K-3. It requires only everyday materials. The students are encouraged to discover some of these concepts for themselves and apply...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Practice W/ Levers
This lesson provides the learner with examples on determining the work done to or by a lever.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Simple Machines: Lesson 2
This lesson will introduce the six types of simple machines and show how machines can increase efficiency by reducing work input needed. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Simple Machines."