Sophia Learning
Sophia: Simple Machines: Lesson 1
This lesson will introduce the six types of simple machines and show how machines can increase efficiency by reducing work input needed. It is 1 of 2 in the series titled "Simple Machines."
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Simple Machines
Kids learn about the science behind simple machines such as levers, wheels, pulleys, inclined planes, and screws. How they work together to make complex machinery.
Class Flow: Simple Machines
[Free Registration/Login Required] Simple machines are all around and make many of the jobs we do easier. Investigate the six simple machines and how they help you work. Discover how they reduce the amount of force we use or can change...
Class Flow: Simple Machines Intro
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart defines and illustrates common simple machines. Students are able to demonstrate understanding by answering questions regarding the properties of the various simple machines.
Class Flow: Simple Machines Quiz
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart consists of a humorous quiz on identifying simple machines and forces of motion such as gravity and inertia.
D&t Online: Gears
This site illustrates how gears work and how they are used in simple machines.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Plix: Simple Machines: Lever
[Free Registration/Login Required] Drag the labels to identify the different parts of the wheelbarrow as parts in a lever.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Plix: Simple Machines: Lever
[Free Registration/Login Required] Drag the labeled triangles to indicate where the fulcrum of this third-class lever is as well as the input and output forces.
60 Second Science: Rolling Down Ramps Experiment
Explore the characteristics of inclined planes while observing how drops of colored water flow down a ramp and on different surfaces.
Scholastic: Dirtmeister's Science Reporters: Simple Machines
Simple machines are listed and defined. The page is part of a larger science investigation project.
The Franklin Institute
[Archived Content] the Franklin Institute: The Screw Demonstration
This is an activity demonstrating that the screw is an inlined plane.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Todd Kranz: Simple Machine Quiz
A short quiz on simple machines.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Simple Machines Learning Site
Simple descriptions and drawings of simple machines. Click on each image for a further explanation and examples.
Pbs Teachers: Spool Racer Experiment
Demonstrate stored and kinetic energy by making a racer toy from a spool and a rubber band.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Simple Machines for Kids
Gives short descriptions of the six types of simple machines.
Pbs Teachers: Dish It Out, Simple Machine Game
Explore the physics of motion and simple machines with this interactive game. Try a pre-made challenge or set up ramps in your own challenge to get the mysterious Dim Sum ball into the take-out container.
Professor Beaker's Learning Lab
This site provides information on simple machines in machines and features links to a question and answer section as well as a learning lab.
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Jefferson Lab: Science Crossword Puzzles Simple Machines [Pdf]
Find out what you know about simple machines by completing this crossword puzzle!
The Franklin Institute
Spotlighting Simple Machines
Simple machines such as inclined planes in wedges and screws are explained.
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: Mechanical Advantage
Good descriptions and diagrams to help explain the mechanical advantage of machines. Includes sample calculations of this quantity.
Pbs Teachers: Scientific American: Games Machines Play: Streamlined Design
Explore the streamlined shapes of submarines and design an effective hull shape. Observe how streamlining affects a vehicle as it is pulled through a water-filled trough.
Cabaret Mechanical Theatre
These wooden, puppet-like machines operate on simple engineering: a turn crank. Watch them in action and see them in a full 360 degree view.
The Art of Carlos Zapata
The simple mechanics of these moving wooden puppets are old-fashioned, yet still appealing to today's audience.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Simple Machines and How to Use This Tutorial
There are six simple machines. They are as follows: lever, wheel, pulley, incline plane, wedge, and screw. This tutorial will cover the first three.