Sci Jinks: What Is Lake Effect Snow?
What causes lake-effect snow? This website will explore the basics with pictures and animations.
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Nsidc: All About Snow
A beautiful snow scene awaits you at this site as well as cold facts about snow, Q & As, a snow glossary to inform you on such things as the difference between a blizzard and a squall, and information on avalanches and blizzards.
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Create and Play: I Wish
Look at all the fun you can have playing in the snow, if only it was winter. Includes audio narration in English and Turkish with text in English.
Nasa Earth Observatory: Natural Hazards: Severe Storms
Browse pictures of severe storms, such as blizzards, cyclones, ice storms, and typhoons, while exploring the causes and often dangerous effects of these natural weather phenomena.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Winter Weather Teaching Box
A collection of hands-on educational resources about the science of winter weather for primary grade learners.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Catching Snowflakes
Are you in a place where snow falls in winter? If so, try catching snowflakes. Then take a close look. Can you find two snowflakes that look alike?
California Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology: Snow
This site from the California Institute of Technology contains information on the study of snow crystals. There are numerous links on the left side of the page. Some of the topics are photo collections, preserving snow and the physics of...
California Institute of Technology
Guide to Snowflakes
No two snowflakes are the same, but they may have the same form. Learn about the basic forms of snowflakes as well as how some scientists classify them. Explore the site to find out other information as well.
California Institute of Technology
Things You Always Wanted to Know About Snow Crystals
Have you ever wondered if it's true that no two snowflakes are ever the same or why snow is white? Find out the answers to these questions and others here!
Library of Congress
Loc: Poetry 180: White Eyes
This nine-stanza poem shares a description of a bird that is preparing its winter nest.
USA Today
Usa Today: How Winter Storms Bring Rain, Ice and Snow
A great diagram of precipitation and what forms at different degrees. A short description on the formation of rain, snow, and sleet.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Science Today When the Snow Is as High as an Elephant
Using information from the USA TODAY Infograph, "When snow is as high as an elephant" and data from other sources, students will explore some of the effects and characteristics of snow. This activity asks students to examine topics such...
Next: Precipitation
Engage in the activities provided to learn what precipitation is and its many forms. Click on the links for further exploration.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: No Two Snowflakes Are Alike?
While reading "Snowflake Bentley", students will observe different snowflakes and identify how they are alike and different in their shape and design. They will then research snowflake designs and create original snowflakes using designs...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Investigating Precipitation: Snow
In this chemistry field/class based activity, students investigate snow and, more specifically, why snowflakes have six sides. Students will individually fossilize a snowflake and observe similarities and differences with other members...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Using Nasa Neo and Image to Explore Role of Snow Cover in Shaping Climate
This lesson helps students investigate satellite images displaying land surface temperature, snow cover, and reflected shortwave radiation data.
Robert Frost: America's Poet
This site provides many full text poems by Robert Frost. There are also multiple links for more information on Frost and his works.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: The Science of Snowflakes
One could say that snowflakes are simply frozen water - but if you compare a snowflake to an ice cube, you'll notice a big difference. Why are all snowflakes six-sided? Why are none of them exactly the same? And how do we ski on them?...
Dan Satterfield
Dan's Wild Weather Page: Precipitation
Find out about what causes precipitation and perform activities that teaches how precipitation forms.
Oklahoma Mesonet
Oklahoma Climatological Survey: Precipitation
This site briefly explores the important role of precipitation in the hydrologic cycle, and focus on how precipitation is created.
Cdec: Snow Surveys
At this site from the California Cooperative Snow Surveys, you will learn the importance of snow to California. You will learn about the history and data collection of snow.
Curated OER
Cbc: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Snow
Learn everything from snow globes to snowfalls, and everything in between! Fascinating facts about snow!
Everything ESL
Everything Esl: Snow Similes
Poetry for ESL students. Hands-on lesson to teach the concept of "simile." Meet the TESOL standards. It provides downloads and resources.
Everything ESL
Let It Snow!
Teach about snow and snow-related vocabulary. Meet the TESOL standards. Features downloads, links, and resources.