Colemman Hollister House: Federal Style 1780 1820
Useful tool for investigating Federal style architectural elements. The interactive image of the Coleman House isolates architectural design elements. Don't miss the resources at the "in the classroom" link.
Arch Ki Decture: Pilaster, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines the term "pilaster."
Arch Ki Decture: Arcade, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines the term "arcade."
Arch Ki Decture: Facade, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines the term "facade."
Citizendium: Architecture
This Citizendium article on architecture touches on a number of different elements of architecture related to permanence (firmness), aesthetics (beauty), and pragmatism (utility), among other topics.
Arch Ki Decture: Bannister, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines and illustrates the term "bannister."
Arch Ki Decture: Quoin, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines the term "quoin."
Arch Ki Decture: Veranda, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines the term "veranda" (sometimes spelled "verandah").
Arch Ki Decture: Stucco, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines and illustrates the term "stucco."
Arch Ki Decture: Rowhouse, Defined and Illustrated
The "Word of the Week" from ArchKIDecture, a teacher-created site that encourages awareness of human-built environments, defines and illustrates the term "rowhouse."
Arch Ki Decture: Post and Lintel Construction
Using a centuries old dolmen as an example, ArchKIDecture explains the basic principles of post-and-lintel construction.
La Place De La Sorbonne
A large photo of the place de la Sorbonne, taken in night light, with a view of the cafes and restaurants around it.
Periodo Altomedioevale E Romanico
View all of the many pictures representing Romanesque art forms. Descriptions are in English and Italian.
Cupola Galleries: Classical Architecture Gallery
Displays photographs of famous architecture from ancient Rome. Includes shots of the Pantheon, the Colosseum, and ruins of the Roman Forum.
Musees De France: David Louis,
View the work "The Oath of Horatii" by Jacques Louis David. Learn about the features of the painting, as well as information regarding it's history and residence.
Alison's Wonderland: Tour of Forbidden City
This resource is a gallery of pictures with text, kind of like a tour. There are many good pictures and explanations about the Forbidden City. Follow the "tour" by clicking NEXT under the pictures.
Here are diagrams of the various parts of an arch. At the bottom of the page there is a sketch of an ogee arch.
Mayan Monuments and Rubbings
A series of photos and rubbings from Mayan stone calendars and standing stones (stelae) that could be used as primary sources for a unit on Mayan history.
Leo Masuda Architectonic Office: Roman Architecture
The Leo Masuda Architectonic Office provides a history of Roman architecture. Select a specific building for a general description of its architecture.
Sydney.net: Building Program
Provides informations and other links about the Sydney Opera House Building Program
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Elements of Architecture
A collection of thirteen lesson plans on a wide variety of topics related to the study of architecture.
Bences: Archabbey of Pannonhalma
This site from the Archabbey of Pannonhalma offers both a written description of the monastery and a photo album showing the interiors and exteriors of the buildings. The photo album has titles only. To understand the buildings one must...
Able Media
Ablemedia: Unearthing the Lost City of a Burbe Suburbe
This site is provided for by Ablemedia. Unique simulation activity where students "Discover," an ancient city and complete tasks to compile a history of the city and finally create a 3-D model of the city. Could be adapted for many...
Cspu: The Von Neumann Architecture of Computer Systems
Excellent description of von Neumann architecture, it's implications, it's limitations, and attempts to use different architecture.