SciShow Kids
Think Like an Engineer: Juniper's Problem | SciShow Kids
Squeaks, Jessi, and the gang are all going on vacation to the lake, but there's a problem. Our friend Juniper needs a boat, and ours is missing! Jessi proposes we think like engineers and gather information to find a way to solve our...
TED Talks
TED: An updated action plan for solving the climate crisis — and a look at progress to date | Ryan Panchadsaram, Anjali Grover and David Biello
When it comes to climate, what are we doing right and where should we focus our efforts next? Systems innovator Ryan Panchadsaram and strategist Anjali Grover talk with TED science curator David Biello about the latest on the world's...
How To Clear Icy Roads, With Science
Icy roads are a huge hazard, and typical methods of de-icing them can be pretty toxic to wildlife. Which is why researchers have been so fixated on finding better alternatives, from brine to pig pee.
TED Talks
TED: The climate solutions worth funding — now | Jonathan Foley
When it comes to climate solutions, "now is better than new, and time is more important than tech," says scientist Jonathan Foley. He presents a six-part framework to more efficiently address climate change, from better aligning capital...
How To Clear Icy Roads, With Science
Icy roads are a huge hazard, and typical methods of de-icing them can be pretty toxic to wildlife. Which is why researchers have been so fixated on finding better alternatives, from brine to pig pee.
TED Talks
TED: A playbook on financing climate solutions | Nili Gilbert and David Blood
Tackling climate change costs a lot of money — and the financial sector is key to getting that money flowing. In a wide-ranging conversation, sustainable investment leaders Nili Gilbert and David Blood discuss where progress is being...
TED Talks
TED: Meet methane, the invisible climate villain | Marcelo Mena
A landfill on fire doesn't only emit a horrid stench — it has devastating consequences for the environment, too. The culprit is methane, an often underestimated greenhouse gas produced in large part by food systems, organic waste and...
TED Talks
TED: Why rivals are working together to transform shipping | Bo Cerup-Simonsen
What would it take to make global supply chains cleaner and greener? Bo Cerup-Simonsen -- who's helping decarbonize the maritime industry as CEO of the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping -- discusses why tenacious...
TED Talks
TED: Why are we making pizza boxes out of endangered trees? | Nicole Rycroft
If we're going to solve the climate crisis, we need to talk about supply chains, says biodiversity champion and 2023 Audacious Project grantee Nicole Rycroft. Her organization, Canopy, partners with key industry leaders to overhaul their...
The Weird Reason More Bridges Are About to Fail
While they are incredible engineering marvels, we don't think about bridges all that much. But there's a good reason we should all be thinking about our bridges, since there's a weird reason that more of them might be at risk of failure...
Our Entire Society is Built on a Geological Fluke
If a tree falls into the forest and doesn't decompose, what happens to it?
Gina McCarthy on Public Health & Climate Change | SciShow Talk Show
Humans are great at creating, and solving, problems. Hank talks with Gina McCarthy about the biggest public health problem we face today: climate change. Gina McCarthy is the Director of C-CHANGE (Center for Climate, Health and the...
The Most Metal Algorithm in Computer Science
Have a problem with many competing variables? Why not solve it with a computer algorithm based on cooling metal?
The Erratic Behavior of Water
Water is one of the most abundant and important substances on Earth, so you think we'd know everything there is to know about it. Turns out, water is so much stranger and more complex than we ever thought! Join Olivia Gordon for a new...
TED Talks
TED: A foster care system where every child has a loving home | Sixto Cancel
In the US, youth in foster care are nearly twice as likely as war veterans to suffer from PTSD. Placed in foster care at just 11 months old, 2023 Audacious Project grantee Sixto Cancel experienced the faults of the system firsthand. Now,...
TED Talks
TED: Mangroves, storm walls and other ways to protect coasts from climate change | Dave Sivaprasad
Nearly 40 percent of humanity lives near a coast -- and no two coasts are the same. How can these communities build resilience to the increasing risks of climate change? Climate advisor Dave Sivaprasad outlines how to tackle this complex...
How Social Entrepreneurs Use Rice Husks to Fuel Micro Power Grids in India (January 17, 2013)
India suffers from chronic power interruptions and failures stemming from energy policies created to court voter blocs. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports on efforts by social entrepreneurs to solve part of India's power...
Bozeman Science
ETS1B - Developing Possible Solutions
In this video Paul Andersen explains how many possible solutions are developed in the design process. As many solutions to the problem are identified using a brainstorming process. These solutions are compared to the specific...
The Most Metal Algorithm in Computer Science
Have a problem with many competing variables? Why not solve it with a computer algorithm based on cooling metal?
TED Talks
Halla Tómasdóttir and Bryn Freedman: The crisis of leadership -- and a new way forward
What should modern leadership look like? Entrepreneur and former Icelandic presidential candidate Halla Tómasdóttir thinks global leaders need to change their ways -- or risk becoming irrelevant. In a conversation with curator Bryn...
Gina McCarthy on Public Health & Climate Change | SciShow Talk Show
Humans are great at creating, and solving, problems. Hank talks with Gina McCarthy about the biggest public health problem we face today: climate change. Gina McCarthy is the Director of C-CHANGE (Center for Climate, Health and the...
TED Talks
TED: Climate action needs new frontline leadership | Ozawa Bineshi Albert
We can't rely on those who created climate change to fix it, says climate justice organizer Ozawa Bineshi Albert. An Indigenous woman living in the heart of oil and gas country in the US, she's observed an alarming disconnect between...
TED Talks
TED: 100 solutions to reverse global warming | Chad Frischmann
What if we took out more greenhouse gases than we put into the atmosphere? This hypothetical scenario, known as "drawdown," is our only hope of averting climate disaster, says strategist Chad Frischmann. In a forward-thinking talk, he...
TED Talks
TED: Community-powered solutions to the climate crisis | Rahwa Ghirmatzion and Zelalem Adefris
Climate change is the epic challenge of our lives, and community leaders like Rahwa Ghirmatzion and Zelalem Adefris are already working on sustainable, resilient solutions. Through their organizations in Buffalo and Miami, they're...