Bscs: Common Student Ideas About Sound
This list describes common misconceptions children have about sound and the scientific explanation for those ideas.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Physical Processes: Sound Is a Longitudinal Wave
Discusses the physics of how sound travels. Includes a video of a volcanic eruption that demonstrates the speed of sound waves.
McREL International
Mc Rel: Whelmer #10 Learning Activity: Singing Rod
An easy to do activity that investigates the simple observable properties of sound waves. The activity is presented in lesson plan format that meets NSES standards.
McREL International
Mc Rel: Whelmer #11 Learning Activity: Straw Oboes
An easy to do activity that investigates sound waves, wave length, frequency and pitch. The activity is presented in a lesson plan format that meets NSES standards.
McREL International
Mc Rel: Whelmer #67 Activity: Bells in Your Ears
An easy to do, fun activity that investigates sound waves. The activity is presented in lesson plan format that meets NSES standards.
Physics Central
Physics Central: Physics in the Tool Shed: Toolaballoonaphone
Learn about compression waves and amplification through constructing a toolaballoonaphone! The toolaballoonaphone is made out an exercise ball, fish nets, wrenches, strings, scissors, and a clean waste basket that allows students to...
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Richard Feynman Lecture on Nanotechnology: Tiny Machines
A video lecture from Dr. Richard Feynman exploring tiny machines. Webpage breaks down the lecture into twelve segments. Videos vary in length and explain the science behind nanotechnology. Understand computer chips, sound waves, and the...
University of Maryland
University of Maryland: Thinking Problems With Sound
A series of thought-provoking multiple-choice questions from the University of Maryland on the topic of sound and acoustics. One question pertains to the acoustics of a furnished room with two speakers; demands a basic understanding of...
Great Idea Finder
The Great Idea Finder: Biography of Guglielmo Marconi
Provides some short biographical information on Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937 CE). Discusses Marconi's scientific accomplishments.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Sound, Pitch, and Conduction
Lesson for primary elementary about sound. Students learn about pitch, air conduction, and bone conduction.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Sound
This site provides a lesson plan designed for primary learners over a three week period. Students learn concepts of vibration, communication,and pitch.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Sound (Primary)
This site provides two activities that can be used in the primary elementary classroom. The purpose is to "demonstrate different ways to produce sound."
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Sound, the Vibration of Materials
Great activity for primary and intermediate learners to learn why objects make noise. This can be organized in stations or in groups of students.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Sound Makers
For this activity, students make a sound cylinder using a cardboard tube, and investigate the sound wave vibrations they can feel at its end when they speak into it.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Working With a Handmade Oscilloscope
For this activity, young scholars use an oscilloscope to explore the behavior of sound waves.
Michigan Reach Out
Michigan Reach Out!: Drums (Sounds Like Science)
This site is provided for by Michigan Reach Out. Students experiment with the variables of force, pitch and volume after making a drum.
Michigan Reach Out
Sounds Like Science: Guitars
At this site explore the relationship between audibility and frequency of sound, and the difference between frequency and volume.
Pbs Teachers: Submarines, Secrets, and Spies: Sounds Underwater (Hot Science)
Examine factors that affect how sound travels underwater and explore the range of sounds underwater creatures make.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Physical Science
The Discovery Channel provides numerous lesson plans dealing with the physical sciences. Content is organized by grade level, but all lesson plans include suggestions for adaptations for older or younger audiences.
Avatar Consultants, Inc: Definition of Intensity
Power, loudness, and decibel levels of sound waves are described and explained. The relative power output of various musical instruments is given.
Physics of Sound/image Analysis of Sound Pressure
A discussion on how to locate the sound image based upon the incident and reflected pulse of sound heard at a given location. For those looking for a challenge, follow the links to view derivations of wave equations for sound (uses...
Silcom: Room Acoustics
A detailed discussion on the effect of reflection and absorption of sound waves by walls upon the audio quality of a room. Methods for inspecting the quality of a room are given and discussed.
Arab Physics
While some of the pages on this site have yet to be filled, the pages that are complete are comprehensive. For example, pages on friction, heat, and the Doppler effect are illustrated and explain relevant formulas. A biography page...