Space Research Institute: Homepage
Homepage of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Space Research Institute.
Iki: Russian Space Research Institute
The official site for the "leading organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of investigations of Outer Space, Solar System planets and other objects of the Universe"
Space Exploration: History
Here is an article explaining how the Skylab idea and program came about.
Physics and Psychophysics of Music
This site is filled with information pertaining to the physics of sound and music.
Space Research Institute (Iki) Home Page
The official homepage of the Space Research Institute, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Sky Server: Old Time Astronomy
This site from SkyServer provides information where students are introduced to Galileo and are transported back in time to learn what "Old Time Astronomy," was all about.
Space: 'Snow Moon' Eclipse & Green Comet a Double Treat for Skywatchers
A penumbral lunar eclipse and a bright green comet gave skywatchers across the globe a double treat Friday night (Feb. 10) and early into Saturday morning.
British National Space Centre: Missions a Z
Descriptions of space missions the United Kingdom was involved in as of 2006. Information is dated and further research is required to discover the success of these missions. From the British National Space Centre.
Science Oxford Online
Make connections between science, enterprise, and society here in this collection of articles and current science topics in the news. Find out how science makes connections with the daily life of human beings.
Planetary Nebulae Observer Home Page
This home page is linked to detailed descriptions of nebulae types, shapes, and structures and their relationship to stellar evolution, a historical perspective on the discovery of nebulae, a gallery of images, and other related resources.
Inpe: National Institute for Space Research
This site is the homepage of Brazil's National Institute for Space Research with links to specific programs in more defined categories like space and atmospheric sciences, meteorology, space engineering and technology, and more.
Nasa: Sputnik and the Dawn of the Space Age
This site from NASA describes the impact that Sputnik had in triggering the space race.
Nasa: Sputnik and the Origins of the Space Age
NASA provides a paper providing a background to the Sputnik launch and the U.S. response.
Nasa: Pre and Post Sputnik Public Attitudes
This site from NASA provides a paper that describes the public's attitiude before and after the launch of the Sputnik satellite. Originally presented as part of the "U.S. President's Committee on Information Activities Abroad."
Nasa: Sputnik Pictures
NASA provides pictures of various Sputnik program satellites, including Sputnik 1. Also has pictures of key officials involved in the Sputnik program.
Nasa: Wernher Von Braun
NASA profiles Wernher von Braun, "one of the most important rocket developers and champions of space exploration during the period between the 1930s and 1970s."
Texas A&M University
Ocean World: Satellite Oceanography
What does a satellite in space have to do with the oceans? Discover the answer to this question as well as uncover some interesting facts about satellites at this site.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech: Frequently Asked Questions About Quasars
This site from Virginia Tech provides answers to a list of questions about quasars.
Popular Mechanics: Space Science
Popular Mechanics covers the latest news in space science. Here are several current articles on this topic.
Lunar and Planetary Institute: Oceans From Space
This collection of photographs from space-shuttle missions shows some features of oceanic circulation that simply cannot be seen from any other vantage point. This site is a great resource for many different topics of study.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Crab Nebula and Geminga in Gamma Rays
Explains that pulsars would be the brightest objects in the sky if we could see gamma-rays.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Jupiter's Clouds 3 D
Every day is a cloudy day on Jupiter, the Solar System's reigning gas giant. This 3-dimensional visualization presents a simplified model view from between Jovian cloud decks based on imaging and spectral data recorded by the Galileo...
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Nebulae Planetary
At this resource several pictures of nebulae are available with informative caption. Related links and other resources.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization: Spatial
This site provides an explanation of the spatial text structure. A diagram is provided to supplement the explanation, along with numerous transition words associated with arrangement in space.