Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Misleading Graphs Are Da'pits!
In this interactive instructional activity, students will discover how creating an incorrect graph will display misleading information. Through viewing and discussing a variety of graphs, the students will identify 5 components that...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Ice Cream Sundae Survey
Students quickly realize the importance of learning how to read and find information in charts, graphs, and tables compared to finding the same information written in a paragraph. This is a fun, high energy lesson!This lesson plan was...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Representing Possibilities
The students will work through problems that will be represented in tables, equations, and graphs. This lesson was adapted from NCTM Student Math Notes, May/June 2007.This lesson plan was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in Math...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Heads Up!
The lesson is a hands-on project. Students will work in pairs to gather various measurements, organizing the data into a provided chart. The measurements will be used to review, reinforce, and introduce skills such as measures of central...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: 100 Students Project: What if the World Were 100 People?
Sixth graders learn about statistics and the process of doing statistics as an introduction to the 100 Students Project they will conduct about themselves and their classmates.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: 100 Students Project: Conducting the Survey
What are the procedures for administering the survey? Why is this important? Students conduct survey with other classes.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: 100 Students Project: What Do We Want to Know About Our Students?
What makes a question a statistical question? Students learn about statistical and non-statistical questions and then use that knowledge to brainstorm survey questions for their classmates.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Statistics in Football
There are various ways that math governs the game of football. You see mathematical formulas behind the physics of motion and force in the game.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Places Everyone. Analyzing and Creating Stem and Leaf Plots
The students will be using discovery techniques to learn about stem and leaf plots.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: What Is Your Favorite Pet?
SWBAT create a bar graph to match a data set. SWBAT analyze the graph to find 3 pieces of information the graph shows them.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: What Is Your Favorite Little Bear Story?
SWBAT create a bar graph to match a data set. SWBAT analyze the graph for 3 pieces of information.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: What Playground Toy Should the Principal Buy for Us
SWBAT use a graph as evidence in a persuasive letter. SWBAT evaluate statements to determine which statement is true, citing evidence in the graph.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: What Is Your Favorite Snack?
SWBAT use graphs to analyze whether a statement is true or false. SWBAT use graphs as evidence for a persuasive letter.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Greedy Gordy Can't Decide Working With Venn Diagrams
Students have been working with pictographs and bar graphs. Now they take their learning a step further by working with Venn Diagrams.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Would You Rather Be a Kid or a Grown Up?
Would you rather be a kid or a grown up? This question interests students and engages them in an interesting graphing exercise focused on how many total data points there are in a graph.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Super Sorter! Multiple Attribute Sorting With a Venn Diagram
Understanding multiple attributes is an important mathematical process. The students use their knowledge of Venn Diagrams in this lesson to gain more knowledge about this concept.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Graphing Using a Frequency Table
Multiple graphs can represent the same data set and make the information easier to understand.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Precalculus Concepts 2.0
A complete high school Precalculus Concepts course. Includes 'Related Modalities' for each lesson that teach the same concept in different ways. The text materials follows Algebra II and comes before Calculus or Statistics. The content...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Adding Probabilities
Find four probabilities for each problem: P(A), P(B), P(A and B), and P(A or B).
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Something's Fishy Working With Bar Graphs
In this lesson, students continue to build their graphing skills. This lesson also reinforces important mathematical skills like counting and comparing.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: 6.8 Comparing Two Groups
This lesson applies the principals of hypothesis testing to situations involving two samples. It identifies situations with different types of samples, and explores how to test hypotheses about the difference of proportions or means...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra Ii: 6.6 the T Test
Learn about a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups, the T Test.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra Ii: 6.5 Confidence Intervals
Explore the idea of a confidence interval where it is easier to predict that an unknown value will lie somewhere within a wide range, than to predict it will occur within a narrow range.
US Department of Education
Nces: Kids' Zone: Chances
Dice game allows you to see how increasing or decreasing the number of dice rolls affects an outcome.