Ducksters: Animals for Kids: Invertebrates
What is an Invertebrate? Kids learn about these animals that have no backbone such as worms, mollusks, insects, and spiders.
Ducksters: Grasshoppers
Kids learn about the Grasshopper, high jumping insects that make music with their legs and wings.
Ducksters: Bugs (Insects and Arachnids)
What is an instect? Kids learn about where and how bugs live. What is an arachnid?
Orkin: Bug Games
Site provides an interactive game where students are required to "Name That Bug." Also includes a "Bugalizer Studio," as well as a "Print-A-Bug," coloring sheet.
Ducksters: Animals for Kids: Stick Bug
A site where students can learn about the Stick bug which is a strange insect that mimics the trees and shrubs they live on.
Science4 Fun: Ants
Learn about the appearance, diet, habitat, conservation, and other fun facts about this common household insect.
Science4 Fun: Butterfly
Learn about the appearance, diet, habitat, and other fun facts about this beautiful insect.
Science4 Fun: Dragonfly
Learn about the appearance, diet, habitat, conservation status, and other fun facts about this colorful insect.
Science4 Fun: Grasshopper
Learn about the appearance, diet, habitat, conservation status, and other fun facts about this jumping insect.
Science4 Fun: Scorpion
Learn about the appearance, diet, habitat, conservation status, and other fun facts about this poisonous animal.
The Franklin Institute
The Franklin Institute: Living Things Families
What do centipedes and crabs have in common? What's so special about a backbone? Check this site out from The Franklin Institute if you are interested in biology and classification.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Insects: Observing a Cricket
This simple lesson plan is designed to introduce young students to the qualities of crickets and to discover that a cricket is made up of different body parts.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Animal Tic Tac Toe
This learning game is designed to help young students distinguish between insects, reptiles, and mammals.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Insects
This simple lesson plan is designed to introduce young scholars to the qualities of fireflies.
Songs for Teaching
Musically Aligned sings a short song on decomposers. They touch on what organisms are included in that group and their roll in the circle of life.
Port Discovery Children's Museum: Stem at Home: Bug Bingo
Did you know that there are more than 1.5 million species of named bugs? You can find so many bugs right in your own back or front yard and you can have some fun of your own playing the two Bug Bingo games.
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology: Stinging Insect Matching Game
Learn to recognize the difference between the different kinds of stinging insects in this matching game.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: A to Z of Insects Complete List
Defines insects and provides an A to Z list of insects of our world.
Saint Louis Zoo
Saint Louis Zoo: Darkling Beetle
Discover fun facts and learn about the habitat, behavior, and diet of the darkling beetle.
Saint Louis Zoo
Saint Louis Zoo: Praying Mantis
Discover fun facts and learn about the habitat, diet, conservation status, and appearance of the praying mantis.
Saint Louis Zoo
Saint Louis Zoo: Hissing Cockroach
Discover fun facts and learn about the habitat, appearance, and behavior of the hissing cockroach.
Saint Louis Zoo
Saint Louis Zoo: Giant Cockroach
Discover fun facts and learn about the behavior, appearance, diet, and conservation status of the giant cockroach.