K12 Reader
The Product-Quotient Connection
How are multiplication and division connected? Read a passage about inverse operations to find out how you can use products and quotients to check your work when completing an equation from the opposite operation.
K12 Reader
Sum Difference
If you need a way to address math and reading in one lesson, look no further than a passage about inverse operations, complete with reading comprehension questions. Kids focus on context clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Michigan Department of Education
Family Fundamentals for Summer Learning
Just because it's summertime, doesn't mean that learning has to stop. Support children with continuing to develop their reading fluency with this extensive collection of literacy activities.
K12 Reader
Taiga Ecosystems
Introduce your class to another type of ecosystem, the taiga ecosystem, through a reading passage. Class members read the text and then respond to five reading questions about the content of the passage.
K12 Reader
Chaparral Ecosystems
Explore the impact of wildfires with a reading passage about ecosystems. Pupils read the passage and respond to five questions related to the content of the text.
K12 Reader
Examine how living and non-living things work together in a reading passage about ecosystems. Class members read the text and then respond to five response questions that relate specifically to the content of the passage.
K12 Reader
Where On Earth Are You?
What do we use to determine the exact locations on the earth? Your kids can learn all about compass roses and latitude and longitude. Test understanding with the five reading comprehension questions included on the page.
Lerner Publishing
Meet the Dinosaurs
Take your class of youngsters on a prehistoric adventure with this four-lesson series on dinosaurs. Accompanying the Meet the Dinosaurs books by Don Lessem, these lessons engage children in writing their own dinosaur books, making...
Federal Reserve Bank
Bunny Money
Teach your class about saving, spending, and goal setting with a story about a couple of bunnies who went shopping and related activities. Learners keep track of the bunnies' spending, practice identifying long- and short-term savings...
K12 Reader
From Nomad to Farmer
The gradual evolution of the earliest settlers in North America from nomads to farmers is the subject of a reading comprehension worksheet that asks kids to answer a series of questions using information provided in the reading passage.
K12 Reader
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
Hints for how to improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are contained in a cross-curricular reading comprehension activity designed for primary graders. After reading a short passage loaded with tips, kids respond to a...
K12 Reader
Waves & Currents
Challenge your young readers with a passage about physical science. After reading about sound waves and electric currents, kids answer five reading comprehension questions about what they have read.
K12 Reader
They Go for a Nice Drive
Set aside some time to practice the long /i/ sound when it shows up in words that follow the _i_e pattern. Kids read the short poem, which includes plenty of words that follow this pattern, and then respond to three reading comprehension...
K12 Reader
The Thin Pin Can Spin
Words that end with -in are the focus on this worksheet. Learners read a short poem that includes quite a few -in words to identify and practice and then answer three reading comprehension questions.
K12 Reader
Mom Will Find the Fox
Fox, box, shop, got... what do all of these words have in common? The short /o/ sound! Give your class some practice with the short /o/ poem by reading the poem on this worksheet. Learners also answer three included reading comprehension...
K12 Reader
Make the Same Shape
Make sure your class has a grasp of words that include the long /a/ sound and follow the _a_e pattern. They can read the short poem on this page, which includes many examples of this pattern to practice, and then complete the three...