Class Flow: Decimals Order
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart allows decimal numbers to be ordered in both ascending and descending order with up to three decimal places.
Class Flow: Decimals Thousandths
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using this flipchart students will further develop their understanding of the meaning of decimal fractions and use them in computations.
Class Flow: Dividing Decimals by Powers of Ten
[Free Registration/Login Required] This chart was designed to go in tandem with a lesson on multiplying decimals by powers of ten. It uses a dog named Decimal and you take him for a walk. Activotes assess comfort and understanding of...
Class Flow: Fraction Decimal Equivalent
[Free Registration/Login Required] The teacher will use this lesson plan to identify and represent on a number line decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, positive and negative integers.
Class Flow: Fraction Parts
[Free Registration/Login Required] The teacher will use this lesson plan to define and identify parts of fractions.
Class Flow: Fraction, Decimal, Percent Sort
[Free Registration/Login Required] Fraction-Decimal-Percent Sort Florida Standard: MA.A.1.2.4
Class Flow: Fractions
[Free Registration/Login Required] The teachers will use this lesson plan to review fractions and decimals.
Class Flow: Fractions Decimals
[Free Registration/Login Required] The teacher will use this lesson plan to review fractions and decimals.
Class Flow: Fractions Decimals
[Free Registration/Login Required] The teacher will use this lesson plan to review fractions and decimals using a number line.
Class Flow: Fractions to Decimals
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is an Activote quiz based on converting common fractions to decimals.
Class Flow: Math Contest Elementary
[Free Registration/Login Required] The teacher will use this lesson plan flipchart to practice math skills with the students.
Class Flow: Multiplication of Decimals and Whole Numbers
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is an activity that lets student's model multiplication of a decimal and a whole number. An interactive game is at the end.
Class Flow: Multiplying Decimals by a Power of Ten
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson uses a dog named Decimal to introduce the concept of moving the decimal point to simplify multiplying a decimal by a power of ten. It uses Activotes to check for understanding of the concept.
Math Slice
Math Slice: Percent Grid Worksheets
This tool allows you to create worksheets where students rewrite the amounts of shaded hundred-square grids as decimals or percents.
Smart Math Worksheets: Math Worksheets
Cover a great deal of content with these downloadable worksheets. Topics include fractions, division, addition, numeration, geometry, subtraction, multiplication, integers, decimals and algebra.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: The Magic Number and the Hepta Tree
Use your calculator to help you solve this challenge at this one page website. You can check your solution with only one click of the mouse.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Games Pelmathism: Fractions, Decimals, & Percents
Use this game to improve your knowledge and understanding of fractions, decimals, and percents. You can set the topics you want to practice on this game.
Teaching Treasures Publications
Teaching Treasures: Year Eight Timed Mental Math
This resource provides an interactive worksheet with just ten problems as an independent practice or a quick assessment.
Teaching Treasures Publications
Teaching Treasures: Year Eight Timed Mental Math
Improve your computation skills using this timed interactive worksheet.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Converting Decimals
This animation features the mathematical concept of converting decimals how to perform the calculation. 2:17sec.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Fractions & Decimals: Decimals
The mathematics resource introduces decimals as parts of a whole.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Fractions & Decimals: Visualizing Decimals
Students examine decimals by visualizing what a decimal would look like.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Fractions & Decimals: Decimals Word Problems
Students explore word problems with decimals through examples and practice problems.