Instructional Video0:48
Next Animation Studio

Cruise ship spills food waste onto the Great Barrier Reef

12th - Higher Ed
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has found that a cruise ship dumped 27,000 liters of food waste and gray water into the Great Barrier Reef in August.
Instructional Video9:22
EarthEcho International

Exploring the Threats to Coral Reefs: A Dive into Biscayne Bay

9th - 12th
The video explores the impact of changing water quality on coral reefs, specifically in South Florida's Biscayne Bay. Marine biologist Ilsa Kuffner discusses the three main threats facing coral reefs: coral bleaching, ocean...
Instructional Video1:05
Visual Learning Systems

Exploring Marine Biomes: Estuaries and Coral Reefs

9th - 12th
Upon viewing the Exploring Marine Biomes video series, students will be able to do the following: Explain that oceans cover about 70% of Earth's surface. List some of the reasons oceans are important to the planet and to living...
Independent Producers

Corals and Climate Change

Pre-K - Higher Ed
What makes up a coral? This audio story takes you to an underwater observatory where a scientist is studying coral reefs. The scientist has found that CO2 in the ocean is making the ocean warmer and dissolving the coral reef system. But...
Instructional Video5:09
Mazz Media


6th - 8th
This live-action video program is about the word biome. The program is designed to reinforce and support a student's comprehension and retention of the word biome through use of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful, animated...
Instructional Video1:05
Next Animation Studio

Coral reefs may lose almost all habitats by 2020: study

12th - Higher Ed
A new study presented to the American Geophysicists Union says climate warming and rising acidity will kill off nearly all coral reef habitats by 2100.
Instructional Video14:24
Professor Dave Explains

Phylum Cnidaria Part 5: Class Anthozoa

12th - Higher Ed
Of the five major classes of phylum Cnidaria, we have just one more to cover, and that's Anthozoa. These are "flower animals", or polyps that lack a medusa stage, such as anemones, corals, sea pens, and more. Let's take a look at these...
Instructional Video10:25
Professor Dave Explains

Phylum Cnidaria Part 1: Introduction and Broad Characteristics

12th - Higher Ed
Next up for animal phyla is Cnidaria! This phylum contains jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, and all kinds of other organisms. This one is pretty meaty so it will take several tutorials. Let's start by getting through some information...
Instructional Video7:55

Marine Biologist - Careers in Science and Engineering

12th - Higher Ed
What's it really like to be an engineer or a scientist? What do they really do all day? You're about to find out! Meet the next generation of engineers and scientists in these profiles of young professionals, who may just inspire you to...
Instructional Video2:33
EarthEcho International

STEMExplore: Marine Biologist

9th - 12th
Ilsa Kuffner is a Research Marine Biologist with the US Geological Survey who investigates the causes and effects of coral reef degradation. She conducts experiments in the field to determine how various factors such as water...
Instructional Video1:49
EarthEcho International

STEMExplore: Coral Biologist

9th - 12th
The video showcases the life of a marine biologist who spends half of their time in the field studying reefs and the other half in the lab analyzing data. The biologist's work includes coral restoration, monitoring coral health, and...
Instructional Video2:17
EarthEcho International

Service Learning in Action: Students Grow Coral to Protect Coastal Regions

9th - 12th
This video showcases how students at Rockway Middle School in South Florida are making a positive impact on the health of our planet by growing coral in their science class. They learn about the importance of protecting coral reefs and...
Instructional Video1:18
Next Animation Studio

Mauritius declares emergency after oil spill threatens coral reefs

12th - Higher Ed
Mauritius has declared a state of emergency after a stricken tanker began spilling tons of fuel, causing an ecological disaster among the reefs to the southeast of the island nation.
Instructional Video0:58
Next Animation Studio

Coral bleaching has left only 1% of Japan's biggest reef healthy

12th - Higher Ed
Rising sea temperatures have impacted the ability of Japan's biggest coral reef to recover from bleaching, resulting in only one percent of the reef being in good health.
Instructional Video3:25

The Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Coral Reefs

12th - Higher Ed
This video highlights the impact of ocean warming and acidification on coral reefs, which are crucial ecosystems supporting marine life and providing coastal protection. Climate Change part 3/4
Instructional Video26:17
National Parks Service

Everglades National Park - Episode 263

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Promoting Responsible Recreation: Eco-Mariner, Blue Star & DolphinSMART
Instructional Video11:22
Learning Mole


Pre-K - 12th
A video created for, and aimed at primary school science students learning all about plants. This video explores plant basics.
Instructional Video2:33
EarthEcho International

STEM Career Closeup: Marine Biologist

9th - 12th
Take a look at the work of Marine Biologist, Ilsa Kuffner, as we spend a day in the field with this U.S. Geological Survey marine biologist.
Instructional Video4:30

Coral Reef-cam: Study Shows Which Fish Clean Up Reefs

12th - Higher Ed
In the green buffet under the sea, some fish prefer to nibble on seaweeds that emit chemicals toxic to precious corals, making for happy corals and even happier fish. Using underwater video cameras to record fish feeding on South Pacific...
Instructional Video9:41
Maddie Moate

Underwater Adventure! What can YOU See? | Maddie Moate

K - 5th
Come dive with us as we go searching for animals living on a Coral Reef! What can YOU see? (Sharks, Turtles, Giant Sea Cucumbers and more!)
Instructional Video4:13
Ancient Lights Media

Atlas of the United States: The Southeastern Region: Florida

6th - 8th
This clip explores the geography, history, and some important cultural features of Florida.
Instructional Video10:59
Professor Dave Explains

Phylum Cnidaria Part 6: Coral Reefs

12th - Higher Ed
We just learned about class Anthozoa, which is the class of Cnidaria that contains all the corals. But there is much more to talk about with corals, as the massive coral reefs that they form act as entire ecosystems unto themselves....
Instructional Video18:55

Humans and the Environment

12th - Higher Ed
What is “the environment”? Well, it’s everything, and it’s everywhere, including you and me. Just about every part of human civilization depends on a healthy and stable environment. Yet, human activity is causing pollution, climate...
Instructional Video0:52
Next Animation Studio

Underwater loudspeakers could help boost coral reef recovery

12th - Higher Ed
New research has found that deploying underwater loudspeakers to play the sounds of healthy coral reef could help restore damaged reefs.