Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Coastal Ecosystems
Students are introduced to the various marine environments, their unique formations, origin and identifying characteristics.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Dive Into Worlds Within the Sea
Learn about three different marine ecosystems: coral reefs, the continental shelf, and the deep sea. Interactive game included, which will help players chart the interrelationships among organisms that live in each ecosystem.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Ocean World
A link to a website with information about the ocean. Learn about ocean processes, oceanography, physical oceanography, and get real-time ocean data. Site contains college-level and beyond textbook as well as teaching materials.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Learning Lab: Contrasts in Blue: Life on the Caribbean Coral Reef and the Rocky Coast of Maine
Smithsonian Education presents Contrasts in Blue: Life on the Caribbean Coral Reef and the Rocky Coast of Maine. Teachers can download this comprehensive teaching package in which students explore two marine ecosystems, the coral reefs...
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Action Bioscience: Coral Reefs Under Stress
Coral reefs, home to many vibrant plants and animals, are suffering from the affects of climate change and the increase of acid in ocean waters. Delve into the benefits and concerns of these beautiful ecosystems.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Coral Reef
Article discussing what a coral reef is, different types, reef biodiversity, and threats to their survival.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Global Warming Takes a Toll on Coral Reefs
Article describing damage caused to coral reefs in the Caribbean after an extended period of extreme heat in 2005 that raised the ocean temperature in that area. The potential, devastating consequences to humans of coral reef destruction...
University of California
Ucmp: The World's Biomes
This is an introduction to the major biomes on Earth. This page groups biomes into five major types: aquatic, deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Information on climate, animal/plant life, and much more is given for each of type...
Nova: Build an Island
Trace the development of a type of coral reef known as an atoll. A series of animations show you how an atoll can develop from a volcanic island.
Reef Relief
Reef Relief is a nonprofit organization that seeks to preserve and protect living coral ecosystems. Learn more about coral and why it needs to be saved.
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park
Your connection to everything related to the Great Barrier Reef. Read the latest news and updates, such as media releases and letters to the editor. View maps that show fishing and boating, tourist spots, and the reef itself.
The Coral Reef Alliance: Coral Reef Overview
How is a coral reef constructed? How do coral polyps eat? What do corals need to survive? These are just a sampling of the many questions answered on this informative site. This site provides an easily understood primer on coral reefs.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Paleobiology: The Silurian Period
Journey into the past while reading this comprehensive overview of the Silurian Period that covers topics such as life in the seas, invasion of land, fossil evidence, and climate and geology.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Coral Reef Food Web
Explore the food web in a coral reef with these illustration. Identify the consumers, producers, and decomposers that are located within this ecosystem. Site includes illustration exploring the different food chains as well as questions...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Coral Reef Fish Survey Simulation
Students will learn surveying methods for an ecosystem through a short video. The video focuses on exploring the number and types of fish and the health of the coral reef ecosystem. Site includes a lesson plan and activity worksheet.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Blue Whale (Balenoptera Musculus)
Resource that gives information on the diet, range, relatives of the blue whale. Conservation notes and cool facts are also included. There are links to similar information on dozens of other types of marine life.
Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy: Coral Reefs of Palau: Nature's Amazing Underwater Cities
This lesson takes students on a virtual field trip to the coral reefs of Palau where they will explore amazing underwater cities found near a remote network of islands in the Pacific Ocean. Learn all about an ecosystem of symbiosis....
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Lab 1: Coral Reefs: The Human View
A lab experiment in a series of experiments that investigates coral. During this lab, students will experience coral reefs by watching the IMAX film Coral Reef Adventure. After watching the movie, students will examine coral and its...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Lab 5: Trouble in Paradise: Factors That Impact Coral Health
Students examine the status of coral reefs around the world using an online geographic information system (GIS). They also investigate some of the major factors that disrupt corals-watersheds, exploitive fishing, coastal development, and...
US Environmental Protection Agency
Epa: Climate Action Benefits: Coral Reefs
A comprehensive look at coral reefs, this article shares information about coral reefs and the conservation initiatives that are in effect.
Texas A&M University
Ocean World: Bringing the Ocean to the Classroom
Online resource for students and teachers to see information on icebergs, fisheries, coral reefs, waves, currents and more. Provides teachers with learning activities. Has its own ask-an-expert site (Ask Dr. Bob), and provides real-time...
Bbc Nature: Wildlife: Reefs
Learn all about the world of reefs by discovering what lives there and where you can find them through pictures, sounds, news, descriptions, and external links.
Bbc Future: Week of 1 14 13: Will We Ever Lose All of Our Coral Reefs?
This article describes how climate change is impacting coral reefs around the world. Includes many photographs of coral reefs.
Noaa: Florida Keys: Coral Reefs
This effective site provides interesting information on the third largest coral reef system in the world. Physical requirements needed for coral reefs to survive are included in this site. Growth and Reproduction, coral reef types, and...