E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization
This site discusses the topic of patterns of organization of paragraphs. Links with video content and further explanations about the following patterns of organization topics are provided: sequence, spatial, cause and effect; order of...
TES Global
Blendspace: Cause and Effect
This eleven-part Blendspace is designed to be used while teaching students how to analyze cause and effect. Links include reference sheets, a SMART Notebook Lesson, posters, practice worksheets, and guided practice opportunities.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization: Problem and Solution
This learning module provides an explanation of the problem and solution text structure. An explanaton of the problem and solution text structure is provided, and comparisons to the cause and effect text structure are demonstrated in a...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Main Idea Structure and Valentine's Day Worksheet
Written exercises related to identifying the main ideas and details are provided on this module. Students will enjoy learning about Valentine's Day in these text structure exercises.
Prezi: Informational Text (Text Structures)
Slideshow introduces the concept of informational text or text structure.
Prezi: Main Idea and Supporting Details
Slideshow investigates how to find the main idea and key details of a story.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Lesson Plan: Text Structures in Science Writing
Lesson for teaching students to identify components of scientific texts and to use similar structures in their own scientific writing.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Text Structures: Analyze Organizational Methods
This slideshow focuses on text structures for informational texts including how the author's purpose helps determine the organizational pattern to use and how the reader can use clues to identify the text structure used. Five...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Frame Story
Notes introducing various forms of frame stories, or stories that provide a framework for additional stories within. Examples of different frameworks are provided with classical texts including The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Organizing Your Paper
Two slideshows and a screencast on organizational patterns used when writing essays and speeches. The first is a 20-slide presentation explaining the seven most common organizational patterns used in writing: time sequence, spatial,...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Principles of Organization
In writing and reading organization is the key to a reader's understanding. A great site for those of you who are looking for some further explanation of organization in writing. There is instruction, an example text, and specific...
Curated OER
Glenco Online: Teaching Today: Reading Comprehension and Considerate Text
Learn the features of "considerate text" and ways to teach students to use these features to increase their comprehension as they read. These features generally apply to non-fiction, especially textbooks.
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Graphic Organizers [Pdf]
A printable chart shows nine different types of graphic organizers and is followed by a blank copy of each type of organizer, ready to print and use in the classroom. RI.11-12.5 Evaluate text structure
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Text Structure Worksheets
This site provides several assignments and graphic organizers related to identifying text structures. Analyzing the following types of text structures are provided: main idea and supporting details; cause and effect; chronological order;...
Lit Charts: Rhyme Scheme
Explains what a rhyme scheme is, the different types, its use in formal verse, rhyme schemes in single stanzas vs. whole poems, types of rhymes, and refrains. Includes examples of rhyme schemes. RL.9-10.5 text structure effects
Bbc: Bitesize: Use of Structure in to Kill a Mockingbird
Understand the author's use of structure in the classic text To Kill a Mockingbird.
Shakespeare Online
Shakespeare Online: Julius Caesar: Analysis by Act and Scene
Breaks down the plot of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar into the introduction, rising action, the climax, the resolution, and the conclusion. Also describes how time and place are managed by Shakespeare.RL.9-10.5 text structure effects
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Process: Organizing
This lesson focuses on the organization of your paper including how to write a thesis statement, the elements of an effective paragraph, patterns of organization, transitions, and conclusions. It also provides a video of the Toulmin...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Critical Reading: Logic and Structure
This lesson focuses on structure and logic including types and purposes of essays, organizational patterns, argumentative writing, and logic and fallacies.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Main Idea Worksheets
In this learning module, students will learn how to identify the main ideas in individual pararaphs. Worksheets, PowerPoint lessons, and activities are provided to reinforce the concept of main idea. This module is designed to support...
Learning Farm
Learning Farm: Word Relationships
Learn how word relationships affect the meaning of text, and then practice this skill.
Learning Farm
Learning Farm: Ccs: Time, Sequence, and Cause/effect
An automated lesson will engage student's learning how to describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text. An introduction to the concept precedes a...
California Polytechnic State University: Shakespearean Verse and Prose
Explains terms used in discussing how verse and prose were used by Shakespeare, and how to recognize prose, rhyme, and blank verse in his plays, and what their functions are. RL.9-10.5 text structure effects