Quizlet: 4th Grade Q. 1: Main Ideas and Supporting Details: Match
In this interactive game, students match 17 terms having to do with main ideas and supporting details including types of writing and the writing process with their definitions.
Quizlet: 4th Grade Q. 1: Main Ideas and Supporting Details: Flashcards
This set of interactive flashcards focuses on 17 terms having to do with main ideas and supporting details including types of writing and the writing process.
W. W. Norton
W.w. Norton & Company: The Writing Process: Planning
Tips on planning for the essay once the thesis has been formulated. Use the links on the right for other parts of the writing process. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.5
W. W. Norton
W.w. Norton&company:the Writing Process: Conventions That Can Cause Problems
Click through lessons on conventions that can cause problems in an essay including tenses, titles, and names. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.L.1