Wikipedia: Dictatorship
A short article on the nature of 20th century dictatorship. It provides examples of dictatorships such as Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Great Expectations
Discovery Channel School offers a lesson plan regarding the study of Charles Dickens novel, "Great Expectations." Students are asked to note that a writer considers theme, plot, characters, setting, and point of view when writing a...
Siteseen: American Historama: Fascism, Nazism and Communism
Resource provides the definition of Fascism, Nazism, Communism, and Militarism together with comparisons and examples of the regimes and the dictators who assumed absolute power leading up to WW2.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Autocracy
Basic definition of 'autocracy.' Provides links to terms used in the definition, as well as cross-reference terms.