Wikipedia: Thomas Gainsborough
This site provides an excellent depiction of the artist's life. Includes his influences and a photo of one of his greatest paintings, "The Blue Boy."
Art Institute of Chicago
Art Institute of Chicago: Art Access: Send a Postcard
Students develop an understanding of impressionsim by studying works of Claude Monet and then designing and sending their own postcards.
Carol Gerten Fine Arts: John Singleton Copley
This resource from the CGFA and Carol Gerten-Jackson features images and a biography of American artist John Singleton Copley. The images are thumbnails of his paintings, which can be accessed for larger pictures.
Carol Gerten Fine Arts: Featured Artists
This resource offers links to sample works of over 50 artists including, but not limited to, Expressionists.
Flemish Art Collection: "Italian Landscape" by Karel Dujardin
Depiction of the painting "Italian Landscape" by Karel Dujardin. The page loads in Dutch, but there is an option to view the page in English.
Mark Harden's Artchive
The Artchive: Whistler: Nocturn in Black and Gold
Image of Whistler's painting, "Nocturn in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket," with general information about the painting. Provides link to large image which can be made to adjust to the size of your screen.
The Expressionism
This site gives a comprehensive overview of expressionism in art, literature, and music.
Early Renaissance Florence at the Metropolitan Museum
"Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence" was a show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. This is a review of the show. It mostly addresses Illuminated manuscripts.
Mark Harden's Artchive
The Artchive: The Death of General Wolfe
This site from The Archive shows the painting "The Death of General Wolfe". By clicking on the picture you can view a closer-up image.
Art Show: Progression of Painting of Apples
Here at ArtShow, artist Betsy M. Kellum explains her pastel technique with this still life drawing. Both oil paints and pastels are used. Kellum explains the drawing/painting process from the blueprint of the artwork to the finishing...
Mark Harden's Artchive
The Artchive: Nighthawks
This site contains a copy of Hopper's painting "Nighthawks," plus a short critique of the painting, the artist, and the painting's message.
The Worldwide Art Gallery: Still Life
This site has a basic description of still-life art with several famous examples from great painters.
Jake Biddington: Surrealism
Jake Biddington's resource with art terminology definitions, an art gallery, and more! This page is a biography on surrealism and has hyper-links to artists and images.
Alien Travel Guide: Styles of Painting
A descriptive site from that explains nine different styles of painting.
Roman Painting: Frescoes From Campania
Gives detailed descriptions, classifications, and pictures of the various wall frescoes found in the Naples area of Italy during the period of ancient Rome. This includes the city of Pompeii.
History of Painting: Greek and Roman Painting
This resource, although focusing more on Greek painting, contains some insight information on ancient Roman painting, primarily the Roman frescoes.
Emory University
Emory University: "As You Like It"
Clickable list of paintings inspired by scenes in Shakespeare's "As You Like It" with text.
Art, Repetition, and Jacob Lawrence
A great idea for a instructional activity including the style of Jacob Lawrence's "Parade." Not only includes instructional activity, but also a list of artists with similar styles to Lawrence. Lesson is under Instructional Unit Three.
Library of Congress
Loc: Romanticism in Dresden
This site from the Library of Congress provides an exerpt regarding the Romantic movement in Germany. The information that is presented is medium in length and worth checking out on the subject.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh
Discover why the scientists at NASA awarded Van Gogh's famous painting of the night sky, "The Starry Night," a spot on its astronomy-picture-of-the-day site.
Wiki How: How to Create Realistic Flesh Tones
A great formula for getting a Caucasian skin tone by mixing paint colors. Adjustments to the formula will result in other skin tone variations.
Wiki How: How to Mix Colors Properly
A quick review of the color wheel and some tips on how to mix colors with paint.
EL Education
El Education: Physnewtons
Students research the laws of physics and then paint a picture illustrating each law. Text and illustrations are laid out on a page to create an explanation of each law. Students combine their work into a class book which can be used to...
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Ancient Roman Art
History for Kids presents a history of art in ancient Rome and teaches about sculpture, painting and wall reliefs.