Bbc: Us Firms Reject Venezuelan Deal
A June 2007 news report on the rejection of an offer from the Venezuelan government by ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil that would allow the big American oil firms continued access to Venezuelan oil fields.
8 Capitulos Para Entender La Historia De Venezuela
Main page for the history of Venezuela from Gives a history of Venezuela from the Pre-Colombian period to the present. The links are brief but informative. There are many illustrations, making the site visually...
Bbc: News: Country Profile: Venezuela
The BBC profiles Venezuela, its controversial leader Hugo Chavez, its oil industry, people, economy, media, and so on. Listen to the Venezuelan national anthem.
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Multicultural America: Venezuelan Americans
Provides an overview of the traditional culture and lifestyle of Venezuelan Americans. (Note: Content is not the most current.)
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Venezuelans
Provides an overview of the traditional culture and lifestyle of Venezuelans. Gives basic facts about location, language, folklore, foods, social customs, family life, education, religion, pastimes, societal challenges, etc. (Note:...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Guajiros
Provides an overview of the traditional culture and lifestyle of the Guajiros, an indigenous people in Venezuela and Colombia. Gives basic facts about location, language, folklore, foods, social customs, family life, education, religion,...
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Pemon
Provides an overview of the traditional culture and lifestyle of the Pemon, an indigenous people in Venezuela. Gives basic facts about location, language, folklore, foods, social customs, family life, education, religion, pastimes,...
Geography Iq: Venezuela Economy
Features a statistical chart on the economy of Venezuela covering topics such as GDP, poverty rate, household income, unemployment rate, imports and exports, currency, and more.
Other Map of South America
This interactive map lets you click on the name of a country in South America to get a more detailed view and facts about its geography, economy, media, and demographics.
Organization of American States Children's Page: Venezuela
Full of useful information relating to the country of Venezuela. Topics covered include: population, language, geography, government, photos, national symbols, national heroes, and folklore.
Miranda: Un Venezolano Universal
Online biography of Francisco de Miranda, often remembered as "The forerunner of independence," in South America. This site also includes links to other aspects of Venezuelan history and culture.
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Global Edge: Venezuela: Introduction
Provides statistics, history, politics, and demographics for the country of Venezuela in South America.
Library of Congress
Loc: Manuel Rojas
This site, which is provided for by the Library of Congress, includes a brief synopsis of Rojas during his war years. The information, while short, is factual and worth checking out on the subject.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: America Del Sur: Venezuela
This site has a map of Venezuela in Spanish, with informational data also presented in Spanish about the country. Land mass, population, life expectancy, literacy, industry, agriculture, minerals, and resources are among the topics...
Ecotourism Guide to Venezuela: National Parks
Pick a state in Venezuela then select a National Park to learn more about.
News Central: South America
A collection of links to newspapers from various countries in South America. Most are in the native language.
Venezuela People 2002
This site provides brief factual statistics about the population of Venezuela from 2002 including the average age, birth and death rates of the people in addition to other general population statistics.
San Jose State University
Sjsu: The Regions of Venezuela and Their Economic History
A short account of the history of Venezuela, starting in the late 19th century. The article discusses the formation of the two major political parties-- the Democratic Action Party (AD) and the Social Christian Party (COPEI).
Mount Holyoke College
International Relations: Richard Olney: On American Jurisdiction
Replication of a speech/document delivered by Richard Olney outlining a conflict between Britain and Venezuela regarding British Guiana, which extended the purview of the Monroe Doctrine.
Venezuela Analysis: Referendum and Revolution in Venezuela
This site is an analysis from Venezuela Analysis on the current political and economic situation in Venezuela. The article is dated July 6, 2004.
La Red Caracas, Venezuela
This monthly magazine covers Internet and technology issues from Caracas, Venezuela. The site includes an archive for issues dating back to March, 1996.
Venezuela: Geografia
This site from shows maps of the different geographical and political divisions of Venezuela. The first maps show geographical divisions. The last map shows political/administrative divisions along with Venezuela's...
Cocina De Venezuela
Comprehensive reference in Spanish to the most popular Venezuelan dishes. Mouth-watering pictures, and cultural and historical information accompany the recipes.
Venezuela Country Facts
This resource provides a general overview of Venezuela, including population, government, and brief history.