National Weather Service
National Weather Service
Official United States Weather Bureau source for weather maps and forecasts. Contains forecasts, maps, warnings, data, current conditions, and storm warnings.
Science4 Us: Weather
The Weather module allows students to explore Earth's ordinary and extreme weather in safety. Activities include using the weather information to decide what an online character should wear and learning about how to stay safe during...
National Weather Service
National Weather Service: Basic Weather Spotters' Field Guide [Pdf]
Written in an Adobe PDF file, this publication teaches about basic weather phenomena and how to recognize advancing severe weather systems in real time.
The Field Museum
Field Museum: Exhibits: Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters
Discover the true powers of Mother Nature through this vivid collection of research which delves into the causes of natural disasters and the impacts on those affected.
Weather Wiz Kids
Weather Wiz Kids: Weather Safety
Click on the links to find guides to weather and natural disaster safety tips for earthquakes, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, lightning, mudslides, avalanches, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanoes, wildfires, and winter storms.
Weather Wiz Kids
Weather Wiz Kids: Weather Forecasting
This comprehensive website is all about weather including forecasting, weather symbols, lesson plans, types of weather, causes of various kinds of severe weather, weather safety, and more. Check out the links down the left side.
Everything ESL
Safety First!
Safety issues that are crucial for new ELL students are reviewed. Fire, bicycle, water, seatbelt, food, and weather safety and 911 services are covered with links to additional supplemental materials.