Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Lucy Hobbs Taylor
Read a brief depiction about the life and work of the first woman dentist, Lucy Hobbs Taylor.
Scholastic: A Brief History of Women's Rights Movements
Find a history of the several movements that advocated for women's rights in voting, politics, and at work.
Ipu: Women's Suffrage
American women could run for election in 1788, but could not vote until 1920. This and other ironies are revealed in this timeline that shows the progression of women's political rights in countries from around the world.
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: 300 Women Who Changed History: Timeline Women's History
Click through the centuries from Antiquity to the present to view the historic milestones in women's history.
Digital History
Digital History: The Impact of the Women's Liberation Movement
This site is an overview of the achievements of the women's movement including employment, wages, education, politics. Also recognizes problems that still exist including gender-specific jobs, wage inequity, divorce and poverty rates.
Danuta Bois
Distinguished Women of Past and Present
This site has biographies of women who contributed to our culture in many different ways. There are writers, educators, scientists, heads of state, politicians, civil rights crusaders, artists, entertainers, and others. Some were alive...
Digital History
Digital History: Sources of Discontent
After World War Two, many women placed a higher priority on marriage and having a family. However, this trend changed during the 1950s and by 1960 more women were attending college, working outside of the home, marrying later, and having...
Digital History
Digital History: The Equal Rights Amendment
In 1972, Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the U.S. Constitution. The ERA subsequently failed to be ratified by the necessary number of states and was never added to the Constitution.
Agnes Scott College
Agnes Scott College: Grace Murray Hopper
Short biography includes a picture and references.
Yale University
Yale: The Ada Project: Grace Murray Hopper
A concise biography that includes personal as well as professional information.
Pbs Teachers: Global Women & Poverty (Lesson in Women's Economic Hardships)
A lesson that investigates how women in Senegal and Thailand are affected by poverty. Young scholars examine what causes some countries to prosper and others to suffer from poverty. They also create and present graphic organizers of...
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Gilder Lehrman Institute: Women's History
[Free Registration/Login Required] A collection of essays, primary source documents, teaching resources, and video of women in history.
Dulcinea Media Inc.: Mujeres en La Historia
This page has several articles of women who made history.
Digital History
Digital History: University of Houston: Women's Liberation
The women's movement was launched with the publication of the book "The Feminine Mystique" by Betty Friedan in 1963. After years of interviewing women, Friedan concluded that many were unhappy in their lives and unhappy with their...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe: The Women's Rights Movement
Internet based instructional activity for high school students about the women's rights movement. Connected with a textbook series but could be used by anyone. Nice, self-contained activity.
Pocantico Hills School: Children's Encyclopedia of Women
This online resource was created by third and fourth graders in Sleepy Hollow, New York. The biographies are quite short but cover hundreds of women. They are listed in alphabetical order by last name. There are also links to a timeline...
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Women of the Century: Politics & Government
Short biographical entries of women who were pioneers in politics and government with links to additional information about their lives and causes.
US House of Representatives
History, Art, and Archives: Us House of Representatives: Crafting an Identity
Early women in Congress struggled with a fundamental question of what their role is in Congress. Were they working towards political equality for women or advocating for specific women's interests that were inherently different from men?...
US House of Representatives
History, Art, and Archives: Us House of Representatives: Onto the National Stage
Women gained the right to vote and began to become active members of Congress as the United States faced many challenges. Early congresswomen served during the Great Depression, WWII, and the start of the Cold War. They had a voice in...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Tween Tribune: National Women's History Museum
Does the nation need a National Women's History Museum? Advocates argue that the nation needs to better document, collect and celebrate evidence of the achievements and history of women. After all, nearly 51 percent of the American...
Britain Express
Britain Express: Queen Victoria and Victorian England the Young Queen
This describes Victoria's achievements in the early years of her reign. It discusses reforms, the first "World's Fair", the Crimean War, and the Indian Mutiny.
US House of Representatives
History, Art, and Archives: Us House of Representatives: Member Profiles
Use this interactive search to learn about minority members of Congress through history. Click on a Congresswomen to read their biography and their committee assignments. Use the filters to search by state, leadership position, office,...