Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Action Packed Rain Forest Sentences
In this lesson, Jane Yolen's Welcome to the Greenhouse is used as a mentor text. Students will record their favorite verbs from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share them. Students will also use interactive...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Alliteration: Letter A
In this lesson, students will play with words as they use alliteration. Students will press buttons to generate adjectives, verbs, names, and nouns that begin with the letter "A" in them. Students will continue to generate letter "A"...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Alliteration: Letter J
In this lesson plan, students will play with words as they use alliteration. Students will press buttons to generate adjectives, verbs, names, and nouns that begin with the letter "J" in them. Students will continue to generate letter...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Alliteration: Letter P
In this instructional activity, students will play with words as they use alliteration. Students will press buttons to generate adjectives, verbs, and nouns that begin with the letter "P" in them. Students will continue to generate...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Poem for Two Voices [Pdf]
In this lesson students write in contrasting voices to create a descriptive poem.
Harold D. Underdown
How to Find Words That Jump Off the Page
An excellent resource for a writer struggling to come up with the exact words for which they are looking. Includes very helpful advice and information. Aimed at writers of children's literature, but can also apply to other genres.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Connotation: Lesson 2
This lesson introduces connotation and provides examples. It is 2 of 3 in the series titled "Connotation."
Grammar Check
Grammar Check: 5 Bad Writing Habits You Can Break Today (Infographic)
This infographic includes a list of easy-to-fix writing habits. Methods for fixing these five writing habits are included.
TES Global
Blendspace: Connotation/denotation
Work through links to activities, assessments, websites, and videos to learn about connotation and denotation.
TES Global
Tes: Writing Task Sheets
[Free Registration/Login Required] This resource includes a collection of ten different task sheets for independent work on particular writing skills. Each worksheet provides practice for one aspect that will help improve student writing.
TES Global
Tes: Spoken Language Study Teaching Resources 11 20
[Free Registration/Login Required] This 20-page word resource discusses the topic of "Slang" for students. Practice exercises and notes are provided. L.11-12.3 Language Functions/Style
TES Global
Tes: The Media: Understanding Key Media Areas
[Free Registration/Login Required] During this unit of study, students will analyze several types of advertisements. Students will analyze how authors pay attention to the language and visuals to appeal to their audiences.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Unbiased Language
Resource acknowledges the changes in social awareness and how language is influenced by it. It presents suggestions as to how to avoid bias in writing. Some of the changes in terminology can have subtle differences in meaning. W.9-10.1d...
Old Dominion University: Writing Sample Placement Test: Sample Essay
This is a sample writing placement test narrative essay and a list of questions students should ask themselves about their writing. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.3
Utah Education Network
Uen: Vivid Verbs W.5.3.d
This lesson engages students in analyzing word choices. Students will write descriptive paragraphs about interesting magazine pictures and ensure that they are using vivid words in their writings.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Strong Verb
Notes, an animated video and a five-slide PowerPoint presentation explaining strong, active verbs and how students can use them in their writing. [1:25]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Appropriate Language
Students can learn how to use language appropriately through these notes on pretentious language, nine presentation slides on using jargon, eleven presentation slides on cliches in writing, and a video also about cliches. [2:00]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Appropriate Language
A series of three PowerPoints and two videos defining pretentious language, jargon, and cliche and explaining how writers can avoid using them. W.11-12.2d Lang/Fig/Voc
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Asyndeton & Polysyndeton
A screencast lesson [4 mins, 28 secs] defining and providing examples of asyndeton and polysyndeton and discussing their purpose in sentences.
Wnet: Thirteen: I Have a Metaphor
This lesson not only examines the message of Dr. King, but also the words themselves. This is a lesson in identifying the literary devices that he used in his "I Have a Dream" Speech. It will introduce the following literary devices:...
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina Writing Center Handouts: Gender Inclusive Language
This handout helps students understand both the need for gender-sensitive language in their writing, and ways to change their writing to make sure that it is gender-sensitive or gender-neutral.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Inventing a New Word
Inspired by the main character's actions in Frindle by Andrew Clements, students will be asked to reinvent an everyday object with a brand new word. They will need to imagine a character has reinvented their word, and then they will...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Post It Writing Process
Based on Northern Nevada's 6-traits of writing, teachers can use a post-it note as a template for students to check their work throughout the writing process. Links to the 6-traits are included.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Revision Checklists [Pdf]
Walk your students through the writing process with this revision checklist. Students review their idea development, organization, sentence fluency and word choice. Click on appropriate grade-levels to get the desired checklists....