Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Words in Context: Pun Fun [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students choose three selections of interesting word play in a text and then work with a partner to discuss their choices. Materials are included.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: The Case Against "Good" and "Bad"
Don't take the easy route! Instead, use this little trick to improve your writing -- let go of the words "good" and "bad," and push yourself to illustrate, elucidate, and illuminate your world with language. Free registration is required...
Pbs Learning Media: Literary Elements and Techniques: Tone and Mood
Explore the difference between tone and mood in this animated video [2:28] from WNET through definitions and examples from poetry and prose. Discussion questions below help students to further apply their understanding before analyzing a...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Social Studies: Grade 3: A Log's Life
Third graders learn about the interdependence of animals and trees in nature and the cycles of growth and decay. Students also learn about the importance of preserving balance in nature and what happens when we upset that balance. While...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Curriculum Hub: Ela Guidebooks: The Joy Luck Club: Character's Perspective
Read part one, chapter four from The Joy Luck Club and examine how the author uses words and phrases to create Ying Ying's perspective.
Curated OER
Mc Graw Hill: Language: Vocabulary Acquisition: Shades of Meaning: Verbs [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among action verbs with similar meanings by acting them out with classmates in this fun verb game.
Scholastic: American Dream: I Have a Dream
Use Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech to talk about the American Dream, word choice, and persuasion.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix:a Right Brained Writing Prompt: Serendipitous Alliteration: Letter S
Students use the alliteration generator to spark an idea for an alliterative narrative using the letter "S" and focusing on word choice and playing with words. An online page and a word choice checklist are provided for students to type...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A 6 Trait Writing Lesson: Emotional Recipe Write Ups
The writer studies the format of well-written recipes, paying particular attention to the type of verbs used in the paragraph of instructions which always follow the list of needed ingredients. Next, the writer thinks up a story or...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Revision of Word Choice [Pdf]
Helping students revise their rough drafts can be a difficult process. Make it a little easier with this 3-step lesson regarding revision of word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Haiku Variation [Pdf]
Tired of 17 syllables? Try a poem with 17 words instead with this variation on a haiku. Examples are provided. [PDF]
TESL Journal
Activities for Esl Students: Grammar Quizzes
This site from The Internet TESL Journal is developed for students for whom English is a Second Language (ESL). This is packed full of helpful quizzes covering all aspects of English grammar, from articles to sentence structure to word...
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: 4 Shades of Verbs [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among action verbs with similar meanings by placing them in order on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Plain Words and Fancy Words [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences between words with similar meanings by placing them in the right column of a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Extreme Verbs Worksheet [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among action verbs with similar meanings by placing them in order on a graphic organizer from weakest to strongest.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Sorting Through Horrifying and Size Adjectives [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among adjectives with similar meanings by placing them in order from least to most on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Sorting Through Horrifying and Size Adjectives [Pdf]
Learners learn about the differences among words with similar meanings by cutting them out and pasting them in order from most to least on a graphic organizer.
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: 4 Shades of Verbs 2 [Pdf]
Students learn about the differences among verbs with similar meanings by placing them in order from least to most on a graphic organizer.
Pb Works: Great Source: Word Choice: The Right Shade of Meaning [Pdf]
This PDF unit is complete with a variety of worksheets providing students practive with choosing the right shade of meaning of synonyms.
Pearson Adult Learning Center: Vivid Verbs Challenge Quiz
A ten-sentence quiz where students are asked to complete each sentence by choosing the appropriate vivid verb from the word bank provided. When finished, students can check their work to see any sentences that are incorrect as well as a...
Ccss Literacy E Handbook: Informational Text: Understand Precise Vocabulary
A short explanation of the importance of using precise word choice in writing and using context clues to help you understand the meaning of precise words when reading. Click on Model to for an example with explanation and then click on...
Linguarama International: Marcus Evans: The Language of Advertising
Informtion on word choice and language in advertising, includes word lists and questions.
Quia: Grammar Mingling at a Party Activity
This website presents a series of conversations where each sentence has a grammar usage drop down menu. You pick the correct word for that sentence. If you are incorrect you are given a second chance to correct your mistake!
Quia: Word Choice and Tone Quiz
This interactive series of questions assesses students' understanding of the impact of word choice on the tone of a passage. Students will identify the correct tone used in sentences, paragraphs, and poems.