Museum of Science
The Museum of Science: Gadget Anatomy
This site from The Museum of Science presents some compound machines and asks students to identify which simple machines they are composed of. Students provide their answer and receive immediate feedback.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Work to P Eg Lab
This lab is designed to have students discover the relationship between the work that is done and the changes to height that occur to an object. Students can adjust the amount of energy added to the object. They can test five different...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Ven Conmigo; Las Carreras Verifiquemos!
From Holt Rinehart Winston, Ven conmigo series, this is "Las carreras Verifiquemos!" or "Careers, Let's Review", a vocabulary worksheet for the review of career names in Spanish.
Puhinui School: The Atoms Family: The Mummy's Tomb: Raceways
Help the Mummy build a rollercoaster to entertain the Atoms Family monsters by investigating the concepts of kinetic and potential energy.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Kinetic Energy and the Work Energy Theorem
By the end of this section, you will be able to explain work as a transfer of energy and net work as the work done by the net force and to explain and apply the work-energy theorem.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Work: The Scientific Definition
By the end of this section, you will be able to explain how an object must be displaced for a force on it to do work; explain how relative directions of force and displacement of an object; and determine whether the work done on the...
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: The Inclined Plane and the Wedge
Outlines the wedge and inclined plane, including their uses in everyday life and their mechanical advantages.
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: Pulley Mechanical Advantage
Good illustrations and explanations for finding the mechanical advantage of pulley systems.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Work (El Trabajo)
Great tool for teaching Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL). This vocabulary lesson focuses on: jobs, ordinals, days, months, dates, verbs. A variety of interactive, self-correcting exercises are provided to reinforce...
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: Power and Horsepower
Good defintions of both power and horsepower, including nice diagrams and calculations.
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: How Mechanical Advantage Is Used
Describes how pulley systems are used in the real world, including the role of the mechanical advantage in selecting the proper pulley system.
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: Force and Mechanical Advantage
Explains the relationship between force and mechanical advantage with diagrams, examples and calculations.
Physics Classroom
The Physics Classroom: Work and Energy: Energy Transformation for a Dart
Consider an ordinary dart projected from a toy dart gun and moving through the air. Students analyze work and energy of the motion of the dart with this animation.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Pendulums Swing Into Motion
This lesson will allow students in groups to describe the relationship between energy, work, and force through the use of pendulums. The results will be reported through a graphing activity as well as a paragraph written and printed on...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Us History: 1945 1980: African Americans, Women, and the Gi Bill
Female and minority veterans faced difficulties accessing their GI Bill benefits.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Work Can Be Negative!
Understand that work, a measurement of energy, can be negative.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Work and Energy Questions
Practice MCAT questions pertaining to work and energy.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Is Kinetic Energy?
Learn what kinetic energy means and how it relates to work.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Are Energy and Work?
Here we learn what work and energy mean in physics and how they are related.
South Carolina Educational Television
Know It All: Inside a Television Station | Kids Work!
Students will connect schoolwork with real work as they explore a virtual representation of a television station with specific work areas labeled and defined. Hover your mouse over room to take a look inside a television station.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physics: Energy Study Guide
Understand and review energy concepts with this study guide.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Beyond Salary: Benefits May Matter More Than You Think
Explore how job benefits- many of which are factored in pre-tax-can translate to real money in your pocket.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Energy and Work Amusement Park Style
This is a lesson presenting energy and work. It covers: types of energy, forms of energy, work, law of conservation of energy, and renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. In the activities section, one will find links to Internet...
Nasa: From Stargazers to Starships: Energy
Demonstrates how principles of kinetic energy, potential energy and energy conservation can be used to determine the speed of a descending object if given its initial height. Further discussion of other topics such as heat and...