MadSci Network
The Mad Scientist Network: Bouncing Rubber Ball
A question and answer format is used to relate elastic potential energy to the bounce of a rubber ball. Explanation of this simple phenomenon is thorough, complete, and free of trite statements.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Physics I: Classical Mechanics
A collection of video lectures from a classic mechanics course taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The course teaches modern physics, thermal physics, fluid mechanics, solids mechanics, celestial mechanics, momentum,...
Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Energy Principles
Provides a basic explanation of what energy is, how the laws of thermodynamics apply, and how energy differs from work.
Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Energy Examples
Explains the definition of energy and gives some examples.
Energy for Sustainable Development
Esd Bulgaria: Kids & Energy: Work
Defines what work is, presents the formula for calculating the amount of work, explains what conservation of energy means to a scientist, and discusses energy efficiency.
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Commonwealth Univ.: Work Definitions
This site from the Virginia Commonwealth University gives good information on the definition of work using nice graphics and interactive questions. Immediate feedback on student answers is provided.
Victorian Web
The Victorian Web: Works of Matthew Arnold
This site from The Victorian Web includes a complete list of the works of Matthew Arnold, with links to related essays and sometimes to the texts themselves.
Luminarium: John Skelton: To Mistress Margaret Hussey
Text of John Skelton's "To Mistress Margaret Hussey." Links to other poems.
Dickenson College: Blake on Nature
This site from the Dickenson College provides a look at William Blake's philosohy on nature as evident in his writings. Provides links to other criticisms as well.
Self Lyrical Poems of Robert Herrick
Website from attempts to connect the content of Robert Herrick poems to the expression, description, and meaning of human reality. Included is Herrick's poetry, biographical information, and links to other search tools...
Applied Thermodynamics: Heat Engines
Forward and reverse heat engines are discussed and explained at this site from Applied Thermodynamics. Diagrams are provided. Efficiency equations are given and discussed.
Applied Thermodynamics: Steam Turbine
A steam turbine is defined at Applied Thermodynamics. The individual steps of a steam turbine engine are illustrated and explained.
C. P. Snow, "The Two Cultures"/ Review
Although the reviewer considers Snow's thinking a bit outdated (Spender's "somewhat naive assumption of the ability of science to solve the world's problems"), he nonetheless recommends the book and provides a few ueful comments on...
Engine Science: Volumetric Efficiency
This page discusses the science and mechanics involved in the operation of a basic four stroke engine.
Sonnet Central
Sonnet Central: Robert Burns, "A Sonnet Upon Sonnets"
Provides a sonnet from Robert Burns entitled, "A Sonnet Upon Sonnets." Burns' less-than-serious look at what constitutes a sonnet.
Poems for the People: The Retreat by Henry Vaughan
This site provides the text of "The Retreat" by Henry Vaughan in its entirety.
Rice University: The Jungle Husband
Smith's poetry's "irreverence and whimsy" are evident here. A brief comment follows it.
Ed What Is Work, Energy and Power?
Defines work, energy, and power. Explains the work-energy principle, types and forms of energy, and presents some exercises to try.
Nasa: Simple Machines
A lesson plan site that contains activities designed to give grades 3 and 4 experiences in using simple machines.
Bartleby Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Sir John Suckling's Plays
Very brief and breezy excerpt about Sir John Suckling's plays. While he is better known for his poems, his plays do have some merit and deserve their status in the canon.
Bartleby Ben Jonson's Masques
This website takes a look at Ben Jonson's masques that he composed. It provides a couple as examples and dissects them to try to give better insight to Jonson's writing.
Bartleby Cavalier Lyrists Influence of Jonson
This site explores Ben Jonson's influence on other poets and dramatists.
Bartleby The Oxford Book of English Verse: Selected Shelley
Links to 13 poems written by Percy Shelley are offered at this site. It also has links to other 17th and 18th century writers.