Sophia Learning
Sophia: Sciences: Work
This resource gives the definition of work and explains how work is related to force and distance. Also explains the units used to measure work and how it is calculated.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Work
Integration is applied to the real world by finding the work done by a constant force on a body. Several examples are provided, including one that applies Hooke's Law for springs.
Simon Fraser University
Chem1 Virtual Textbook: Pressure Volume Work
With an overview of topics related to chemical energetics, this site provides a foundation to a study of thermodynamics. This section of the site focuses on the kind of work associated with chemical change, pressure-volume work.
Scholastic: Dirtmeister's Science Reporters: Simple Machines
Simple machines are listed and defined. The page is part of a larger science investigation project.
The Franklin Institute
[Archived Content] the Franklin Institute: The Screw Demonstration
This is an activity demonstrating that the screw is an inlined plane.
Ask Numbers: Measurement Conversion Calculators and Charts
What kind of unit conversion would you like to do? This site will allow you to do a multitude of conversions. Just click on the specific measurement you are needing to convert. It also provides a history of measurements and a chart of...
Creative Quotations: Amos Bronson Alcott
This site contains a brief collection of quotes from the writings of the educator and transcendentalist Bronson Alcott (1799-1888). Also provides source information.
Creative Quotations: Margaret Fuller (1810 1850)
Selected quotations from the writing of Margaret Fuller. A brief biography and source information are included.
Creative Quotations: Rupert Brooke
Quotes from the works of the World War I English war poet Rupert Brooke (1887-1915). Also provides brief biography and source information.
Creative Quotations: v.s. Naipaul
This site does not provide depth, but the quotes that are extracted from Indian novelist V.S. Naipaul's works give the researcher some insight into his beliefs. Also provides sources.
Creative Quotations: John Masefield
This site from Creative Quotations is not a site with depth. Only five quotes from Masefield are listed, but they do give a flavor of Masefield's style and may be helpful for a report.
Creative Quotations: C. P. Snow
You won't find depth here, but you will be able to sample the wit and style of scientist/author C. P. Snow. Provides several quotes along with sources.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: On Lord Francis Bacon, 1625
This site from the Modern History Sourcebook of Forham University provides a brief biography of Jonson and an excerpt by Jonson on Lord Francis Bacon.
Washington State University
Washington State University: Herrick Poetic Variations
Robert Herrick's "Delight in Disorder" is presented and the author asks the reader to identify the poetic variations in meter and rhyme in this poem. Good exercise.
Bartleby Marlowe and Kyd
This site, which is provided for by, is a biographical sketch of Marlowe's life with notes.
Pbs Teachers: Science of Sports: Better Baseball
Investigate how the application of various principles of physics can improve performance in sports. Perform experiments with Bernoulli's Principle and explore the sports-related inventions of a former physics teacher.
University of Sydney (Australia)
Thermal Physics Module: Heat Engines [Pdf]
The second law of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy is applied to the topic of heat engines. The Carnot and Stirling engine are discussed. Efficiency is explained and an equation is derived.
In Charge: Student Activities: Earning Money
These activities correspond with the teacher's guide titled "InCharge: Teacher's Guide: Earning Money". Includes printable worksheets and a quiz. See the teacher's guide for full explanations.
The Franklin Institute
Spotlighting Simple Machines
Simple machines such as inclined planes in wedges and screws are explained.
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Motion Glossary and Terms
Kids learn about glossary and terms in the science of physics and motion. Definitions for words such as momentum, force, work, energy, gravity, scalar, vector, power, and more.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: The Definite Integral
This demonstration allows you to see the process of finding the definite integral of a function, then put that process to practice in several examples. The definite integral is applied to real world situations such as work and average...
Science4 Fun: Power
What is power? Illustrated discussion of power including how it is measured and electrical power.
Finance Authority of Maine: Cash and Max: Look at All the Things Max Will Learn
A PDF coloring book for early elementary students provides basic lessons about earning and saving money.