Pbs Kids: Plum Landing: Seed Racer
Help Plum collect all the different kinds of seeds before time runs out. Fun, interactive game shows how different seeds propagate. Look out for those crows!
Pbs Kids: Mountain Scramble
Build a mountain ecosystem by adding appropriate plants and animals, and by keeping the ecosystem in balance. Be sure every species has enough to eat to survive.
Importance of Plants and Plant Communities
Discover why plants are extremely important to humans. Resource provides an explanation of the important things they provide.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: First Grade Science: Why Do I Look Like I Do?
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses the differences in the physical body parts of different animals.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fourth Grade Science: Life Science: Introduction to Plants
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses plants, their needs, and their importance, and describes the structure and function of roots, stems, and leaves.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fifth Grade Science: Life Science: The Importance of Plants
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses plants, their needs, and their importance. The structure and function of roots, stems, and leaves are covered as well.
BioEd Online
Bio Ed Online: Needs of Plants
Each student will make his/her own mini-garden and will observe the growth and development of radishes. To help students learn about requirements for plant growth, the teacher will make four experimental gardens and place them in...
Starfall: All About Seeds
This lesson focuses on seeds and the plants they grow into. It includes kinds and sizes of seeds, pollination of plants, plant parts, how seeds travel, and what plants need to grow.
Botanical Garden at Gottingen
This site provides information on the Botanical Garden at Gottingen University located in Germany. If you click on the sub-heading "Subjects and History",an English text will come up presenting further details on the garden.
Horticultural Worker I
Learn about what horticultural workers do and the skills that are required to perform this work.
Native American Art and Technology
Native Tech: Native American Technology and Art
Informational site discusses the technology of Native American crafts and the meaning of those crafts. Touches on everything from pottery to clothing.
Andean Botanical Information System
Great research from the Andean Botanical Information System into the diverse environments and plants of the Andean region of South America, and particularly Chile and Peru. Available in Spanish or English, photographs and written...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Jonathan Driori: The Beautiful Tricks of Flowers
In this brillant talk, Jonathan Drori shows the amazing ways flowering plants have evolved to attract pollinators and discusses how plants reproduce in a variety of ways. [13:49]
The Rspb: A to Z of a Wildlife Garden
Learn the steps to making a good wildlife garden that attracts all types of wildlife.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Jack's Beans
During this lesson, the classic story of Jack and the Bean Stalk will spark an interest in plants with students. Students will explore the Internet, take a nature walk, and make observations to learn more about plants. A brochure will...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: What Kind of Plant Is It?
This lesson provides a fun way for students to learn to classify plants as vascular and nonvascular. Students will use drawing software to create pictures of vascular and nonvascular plants.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Plants Are Survivors!
All plants have basic life requirements. Understanding these requirements as well as plant structure helps explain why plants prefer some locations over others. This project allows students to work in cooperative groups to explore the...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Picture This!
This lesson plan involves capturing pictures and identifying monocots and dicots. Students will take pictures of plants and tell whether and why they are monocots or dicots. They will site characteristics of monocots and dicots to...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Little River Canyon's Carnivorous Green Pitcher Plants
A digital slide program introduces the Green Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia oreophila) to the students. Students use a model of the Green Pitcher Plant and plastic insects to role play. They will tell the story of habitat adaptation and...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Touch and Feel: Plant Adaptations
This introductory instructional activity centers on getting hands-on before getting drug into the vocabulary and nomenclature. In cooperative learning groups students will describe leaves in simple terms. Then, students will use various...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Race for Life: Plant Adaptations
This is an outdoors, hands-on activity. Create a short race course to engage students in physical activity while drawing comparisons to the plant kingdom. This activity serves as an introductory to the impact small changes can have on...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Plants, Pigments and Colors
In this hands-on, inquiry based lesson students will see the role of pigments in the in the process of photosynthesis. Students will use the process of chromatography to separate plant pigments. Students will then see the function of...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Promise of a Seed
In this lesson, students will plant seeds, record the changes, and connect the relationship of seeds to plants. This lesson should be taught at the beginning of plant unit.This lesson plan was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Amazing Antigravity Stem
This lesson consists of an experiment which will demonstrate how a plant uses its stem to carry water and minerals from the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plant. Students will then use their word processing skills to record...