Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Gamma Ray Quasar
A photograph and description of quasar 3C279 viewed in gamma-rays. It was unexpectedly discovered and was one of the brightest objects in the gamma-ray sky until it suddenly faded.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: A Milestone Quasar
An image of a typical quasar and a star. An explanation written by a professional astronomer is included. There are also many embedded links within the text to related topics.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Edwin Hubble 1889 1953
Part of the NASA website, this is a reprint of an article in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada about Edwin Hubble's life and accomplishments, stressing his role in the development of modern astronomy.
Nasa: Astronomy Picture of the Day: Scale of the Universe 2
This stunning interactive allows you to explore everything in this universe by zooming into different objects, organisms, and microscopic matter.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: Quasar Galaxy Collision
An image of a quasar. The large redshifts imply that quasars lie near the edge of the observable universe and must emit tremendous amounts of energy. There are also many embedded links to related topics.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: Supernova 1987 A
Details of the brightest supernova of modern times - supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud. There are many links for additional information.
Hands on Universe (Hou)
HOU trains teachers in how to use astronomy tools and its curriculum materials for science education. HOU is now part of GHOU, or Global Hands-On Universe, and is linked to astronomy scientists in countries all over the world. A world...
Harvard University
Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
This resource presents information on the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. There are links to research, events, facilities, press releases, etc.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: A Brief History of Astronomy
In this interactive module students will explore what different ancient cultures believe was an explanation of the stars and planets. They will look at how the work of Nicolas Copernicus revolutionize the world of astronomy and learn how...
American Geosciences Institute
American Geosciences Institute: Astronomy
Eight hands-on lessons module in which students explore the characteristics of planet Earth, its moons, the sun, the solar system, planets, and the difference between science fact and science fiction.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Fa Qs on Quasars
A list of answers to many questions related to quasars and active galaxies.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Supernovae (Basic)
A detailed description of a supernova developing from a single massive star. There is a quiz, related links, animation, lesson plans, and an FAQ sheet available also.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Active Galaxies and Quasars
Describes quasars as being classified within the category of an active galaxy. A description of the emergence of high-energy. Definitions of key words are provided.gamma-ray quasars as an important component of the gamma-ray sky.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Supernovae Remnants
A brief description of supernova remnants with many embedded links to help define terms used in the description. The specific topics are age and the importance of remnants to us and the types. Definitions of key words are provided.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Supernovae (Advanced)
Supernovae are divided into two basic physical types, including a description of supernova types and how they are classified based on the existence of hydrogen spectral lines. Definitions of key terms are provided.
Seeker: Week of 11 25 13: Black Hole Birth Spawned Record Breaking Blast
Article reports on a recent record-breaking observation in space - the bright gamma-ray burst ever recorded.
Seeker: 'Doomsday' Ripples Through Galaxy
Learn about a storm errupting in the Teacup Galaxy involving the explosion of a supermassive black hole.
Library of Congress
World Digital Library: Astronomy: Reaching for the Stars
In this article the contributions of the Islamic world to our knowledge of astronomy is discussed.
Aas Science News: Possible Orphan Black Hole
Article reports on the discovery of a supermassive object 90 million light-years from Earth that may be an orphan black hole.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Astronomy and Astrophysics
NASA sponsored site dealing with several topics in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The site provides links to various topics.
Nasa: Image Science Center: Ask the Space Scientist
A NASA scientist, Dr. Sten Odenwald, answers many students' questions. Topics include planets, galaxies, black holes, the origin of the universe, and common misconceptions about space.
Nasa: Star Child: Elementary Astronomy Unit
Learn everything you can about outer space with this interactive astronomy unit. 2 levels of difficulty with modules on the solar system, the universe, other "space stuff" and a glossary of terms. Links for parents and other great website.
Sunaeon: Solar System Scope
Experience the solar system as you've never seen it before; up close and personal. Visit each planet by clicking on it, then selecting the play button to track its rotations through the calendar year. Watch the constellations move...
University of Oxford (UK)
Museum of the History of Science, Oxford: Tycho Brahe
This site contains information about Tycho Brahe as well as many pictures of him and his diagrams of the universe as he saw it.