Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: Autism Information Center
Excellent reference tool for gathering information on autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Find out what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed, the treatment, and if vaccines play a role in causing autism.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: Autism Information Center
Excellent reference tool for gathering information on autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Find out what the symptoms are, how it is diagnosed, the treatment, and if vaccines play a role in causing autism.
Mattababy: Corpus Callosum
Article entitled "NMR Intensity of Corpus Callosum Differs with Age but not with Diagnosis of Autism."
Autism Research Institute: Autistic Savant
An article that describes abilities of autistic savants and discusses the different forms of autism.
Pbs News Hour Extra: Autism: Do You Have a Friend Who Thinks in Pictures?
Lesson plan contains a good deal of information on autism such as who has it, how it is diagnosed, how people with autism learn, communicate and behave. Students will learn how to design and create tools to assist their friends with autism.
Eric: What Can You Tell Me About Asperger Syndrome?
The Council for Exceptional Children offers factual information on Asperger syndrome.
Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Sorting It Out
Written by a teaching and practicing pediatric neurologist, this lengthy but very readable article surveys the disorders now gathered under the "Autistic Spectrum Disorders."
Autism Speaks
Learn the facts about autism and how you can help the cause of autism research. Also includes information on Autism Awareness Month events, which occur in April.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: The Brain: Teaching Modules
A collection of 32 video learning modules on everything to do with the brain.
American Academy of Pediatrics
Home page of a professional organization of physicians specializing in child health and safety.
Autism Society: National Autism Awareness Month
Learn about events for April, Austism Awareness Month, as well as resources to share via social media and other ways to support autism research.
Bridging Apps: People With Special Needs
This collection of apps is aimed at helping those with special needs.
Autism Society of America
Large, multifaceted site with information on autism, the Society, news and events, research and resources, and much more. "Autism Info" is a good place to start. Includes "An exciting new e-Learning course designed to help you understand...
Autism Society of America
Large, multifaceted site with information on autism, the Society, news & events, research & resources, and much more. "Autism Info" is a good place to start. Includes "an exciting new e-learning course designed to help you...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: Science Ambassador Fellowship: Lesson Plans
This site gives many lesson plans for teaching middle and high school students about current and relevant science topics like autism, ADHD, Diabetes, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, birth defects, genetics, and more. The lessons are based on...
Bbc: Week of 6 9 14: Autism Linked to 'Male Hormones'
Learn about what scientists have discovered about the connection between hormones and autism.
Center for Parent Information and Resources
Nichcy Publications: Disability Information
Here are fact sheets on disabilities, available in text or PDF, English or Spanish. Each offers characteristics of the disability, tips for teachers and parents, and lists of related resources.
Center for Parent Information and Resources
Nichcy Publications: Disability Information
Here are fact sheets on disabilities, available in text or PDF, English or Spanish. Each offers characteristics of the disability, tips for teachers and parents, and lists of related resources.
Autism Speaks: Technology and Autism
Explore assistive technology using smartphone and tablet apps on the topic of autism.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Finding the Author's Purpose
What is autism? How does it affect behavior? Students will find evidence of the author's tone or purpose for writing the article, as well as hints that show evidence of opinion. Includes a video clip from the movie "Rainman", and an...
Zac Browser Gold
Internet browser designed specifically for children with autism and other special needs. This resource allows children to interact directly with games and activities that cater to those who display the characteristics of autism spectrum...
May Institute: Helping Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Adjust to Change
This article contains several strategies to help students adjust to change. This article is targeted to those who work with autistic students but the strategies are appropriate for all students who struggle with changes and transitions.
Pbs Learning Media: Sesame Street: Autism
Share the amazing by celebrating and supporting the uniqueness of every child, including those on the autism spectrum. All children experience the world differently, and those differences are even greater for children with autism. As a...
Pbs Teachers: Growing Up Different: Familiar Faces
Explore the handicap of autism and the inability to recognize faces. Create a mixed-up face with the mouth and eyes flipped upside down and conduct a survey of how five people are able to describe the expression on the face.