Sophia Learning
Sophia: Analytical Papers: Organization
This slideshow tutorial focuses on organizing an analytical paper; it defines analysis and outlines the basic five- paragraph essay format. It discusses what goes into the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. It...
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: "How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay" [Pdf]
This is a nine-page PDF entitled "How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay" which explains in detail the parts of a literary analysis and how to write them.
Harvard University
Harvard University: Strategies for Essay Writing
This website provides a series of links to detailed information about each segment of how to write an academic essay from how to read the assignment to the final edits. Use the links to the right. W.9-10.1a claims/intro/org, W.9-10.2a...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Body Paragraphs
This Purdue University OWL (Online Writing Lab) provides information related to writing body paragraphs for argumentative essays.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Writing the Body of a Research Paper
An excellent tip sheet on how to write and create the bulk of a research paper: the body includes in-depth information, examples, as well as links to earlier steps in the process such as thesis statements, notecards, outline,...
Livingston: Basic Guide to Essay Writing
This tutorial lists and discusses the steps to writing a good essay and provides a downloadable guide. It also allows you to view a sample essay. W.11-12.2a Intro/Format
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Organizing an Exploratory Essay
This handout focuses on organizing exploratory or inquiry essays including the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. W.11-12.2 Informative
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Book Reports: Organization
This lesson goes over how to organize a book report.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing Effective Topic Sentences
This lesson goes over tips an techniques for writing an effective topic sentence. This tutorial lesson shares a short slideshow with the lesson's content.