NC State University
Beekeeping Insect Note: Cucumber Pollination
How many bees do you need to pollinate cucumbers? How do you maintain the hives? Answers to these questions and more.
Botanical Society of America: Careers in Botany
Use this site from Botanical Society of America for information on careers working with plants. Everything from articles on botany to the most recent issues and opportunities.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Agnes Arber
This short biography about Agnes Arber describes her contributions to botanical science.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Luther Burbank
An article that describes the life and accomplishments of Luther Burbank.
Harvard University
The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
This site contains general information about The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. The site also gives a selection of links that tell more about the garden.
Orchids Asia: Introduction to Orchids
Learn about the delicate flower called the orchid. Discover how they are pollinated. How do you breed varieties of orchids? How much water do you give orchids? Find out here!
North Carolina Nature Center: Homepage
There is a great interactive map at this site from the North Carolina Nature Center. You can click on the otter habitat, Trillium Glen Nature Trail, petting zoo, and more.
Eagle Landing: Virginia
Go on a wilderness adventure at Eagle Landing. You can go canoing and backpacking while learning about nature, teamwork, leadership and build confidence.
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech: Flower and Tree Reproduction
This is the reproduction chapter from an online text, courtesy of the Forest Biology Department of Virginia Tech. Learn about trees, their flowers, and other details of their reproductive cycle.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Science Homework Help
The science section of this popular homework helper site features links to chemistry, life, earth, physical, and space science resources.
Museum of Science
Museum of Science: The Living Sea: Predators and Prey
This Museum of Science page does an excellent job of explaining the importance of plants as producers in the sea. The food chain or food web has to start with the plants.
NC State University
Horticulture Information Leaflets: Overcoming Seed Dormancy: Trees and Shrubs
Good list of examples of how dormancy in tree seeds can be overcome. In the discussion, you'll pick up a fair amount about dormancy in plants.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: Apples & More, Nutrition
This page provides nutritional information on the apple and links to other supplementary resources. Available in Spanish or English.
Botanical Garden at Gottingen
This site provides information on the Botanical Garden at Gottingen University located in Germany. If you click on the sub-heading "Subjects and History",an English text will come up presenting further details on the garden.
Zephyrus: Flower Reproduction
A good graphic overview of flowering plant reproduction and the specific parts of the plant responsible for that.
Andean Botanical Information System
Great research from the Andean Botanical Information System into the diverse environments and plants of the Andean region of South America, and particularly Chile and Peru. Available in Spanish or English, photographs and written...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 1.2 Fields in the Life Sciences
Explore some different areas of study in the life sciences.
Rudiments of Wisdom
Rudiments of Wisdom: Greenhouses
Learn about greenhouses in a unique way. All the fun-fact information is drawn in a cartoon style.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Investigating the Structure of the Flower
This lesson plan has students make a model of a flower's structure using clay, toothpicks, and construction paper.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Structure of Seeds and Effects of Fertilizer on Plants
In this lesson plan, learners identify parts of seeds and the effect of fertilizer on their germination and development.
University of California
Ucla: General Botany: Types of Roots
Roots are the principal water-absorbing organs of a plant. Learn about this part of vascular plants and variations in the types of roots.
The Charms of Duckweed (Smallest Flowering Plant)
Have a fun learning experience as you read about the smallest flowering plant. Botanical facts, pictures, projects, and practical uses of the Duckweed plant are all part of this site.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Observing Tree Rings
In the lab experiment site, you will determine the age of a tree, see if you can determine what years had more precipitation than others, and label the cross section of a tree: bark, heartwood, sapwood, and rings.
University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg: Renaissance
A look at the Renaissance from the aspect of advances in the biological sciences, and in particular botany. Information is provided about famous botanists from that era and their accomplishments.