Instructional Video5:25

We May Have Solved Our Burping Cows Problem

12th - Higher Ed
When a bunch of cows burp they can exhale a lot of methane that affects the global warming problem. Researchers are working on finding solutions for it.
Instructional Video10:59
Crash Course

Partial Pressures & Vapor Pressure: Crash Course Chemistry

12th - Higher Ed
This week we continue to spend quality time with gases, more deeply investigating some principles regarding pressure - including John Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, vapor pressure - and demonstrating the method for collecting gas...
Instructional Video7:24

The 5 Most Important Molecules in Your Body

12th - Higher Ed
Your body has all sorts of complicated processes going on, and a lot of them are carried out by incredibly powerful molecules. We're not talking nutrients -- we're talking about 5 of the molecules that keep you ticking!
Instructional Video6:29

Hydrogen: The Savior of the Shipping Industry

12th - Higher Ed
Huge container ships relying on fossil fuels transport all kinds of goods across the ocean, creating a huge climate change impact. But there's a better way to power this transport using, of all things, water.
Instructional Video9:20
Bozeman Science

Environmental Economics

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how economic models, like supply and demand, can be applied to environmental systems. The market forces will not protect environmental services until proper valuation and externalities are...
Instructional Video2:39

The Problem With Concrete

12th - Higher Ed
Concrete is responsible for 8% of humanity’s carbon emissions because making its key ingredient - cement - chemically releases CO2, and because we burn fossil fuels to make it happen. ___________________________________________ To learn...
Instructional Video6:04
Amoeba Sisters

Autotrophs and Heterotrophs

12th - Higher Ed
Curious about modes of nutrition? Join the Amoeba Sisters in learning about autotrophs and heterotrophs. Video explains these terms as well as how their carbon source differs. Photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and...
Instructional Video3:45

TED-Ed: Biofuels and bioprospecting for beginners - Craig A. Kohn

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Biofuels can provide energy without the reliance on environmentally harmful fossils fuels -- but scientists are still searching for a plentiful source. Craig A. Kohn demonstrates how cellulose, the naturally abundant tough walls of plant...
Instructional Video5:51

Cement: A Really Hard Problem

12th - Higher Ed
Concrete sucks CO2 out of the atmosphere, but making it initially produces a lot of carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Fortunately, by rethinking the chemistry of cement altogether, we can actually use carbon dioxide to create our concrete...
Instructional Video4:31

TED-Ed: Which bag should you use? | Luka Seamus Wright and Imogen Ellen Napper

Pre-K - Higher Ed
You've filled up your cart and made it to the front of the grocery line when you're confronted with yet another choice: what kind of bag should you use? It might seem obvious that plastic is bad for the environment, and that a paper bag...
Instructional Video13:14
Crash Course

Photosynthesis: Crash Course Biology

12th - Higher Ed
Hank explains the extremely complex series of reactions whereby plants feed themselves on sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, and also create some by products we're pretty fond of as well.
Instructional Video32:49

Getting To Know Cows Inside and Out | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
From being able to eat grass, to changing the weather with their burps: Cows are incredible creatures!
Instructional Video10:37

How Pregnancy Is Like Growing an Alien Inside You

12th - Higher Ed
Pregnancy is quite a feat. The embryo manages to develop, get food, and get rid of their waste, all while staying under the radar of their parent’s immune system.
Instructional Video9:17
Amoeba Sisters

Plants: Diversity, Structure, & Adaptations

12th - Higher Ed
Join the Amoeba Sisters in their updated plant structure and adaptations video as they discuss the terms vascular vs nonvascular and how they relate to plants before exploring some general categories of plants (bryophytes, seedless...
Instructional Video11:09

Solar Energy

12th - Higher Ed
Hank explains the power of solar energy and describes how it may fit into our diversified energy future.
Instructional Video5:26

TED-ED: How long will human impacts last? - David Biello

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Imagine aliens land on Earth a million years from now. What will these curious searchers find of us? They will find what geologists, scientists, and other experts are increasingly calling the Anthropocene, or new age of mankind. David...
Instructional Video8:34
Bozeman Science

Biogeochemical Cycles

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how biogeochemical cycles move required nutrients through the abiotic and biotic spheres on our planet. Matter on the Earth is conserved so producers must receive required nutrients through the water...
Instructional Video3:35

What's It Like on ... Venus?

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow Space takes you on a tour of Venus, a world with such an extreme environment that you might call it "Earth's evil twin."
Instructional Video2:48

TED-ED: Climate change: Earth's giant game of Tetris - Joss Fong

Pre-K - Higher Ed
There's a game of Tetris happening on a global scale: The playing space is planet Earth, and all those pesky, stacking blocks represent carbon dioxide -- a greenhouse gas that is piling up ever more rapidly as we burn the fossil fuels...
Instructional Video4:17

The Chemistry of Fried Food

12th - Higher Ed
You know it, and you love it. Fried food! But there’s more to fried dishes than just plopping food into hot oil. You have to know what’s up with the food you’re cooking and what oils will work best for you dish.
Instructional Video4:04

Turning Your Leftovers Into Fuel

12th - Higher Ed
Even if you don't want to eat them, your apple cores still have plenty of energy left to give. SciShow explores how cities are capturing that energy and turning it into fuel.
Instructional Video9:06
Bozeman Science

Nuclear Energy

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how nuclear energy is released during fission of radioactive uranium. Light water reactors, nuclear waste, and nuclear accidents are also discussed along with the future of nuclear energy.
Instructional Video4:05

TED-Ed: The simple story of photosynthesis and food - Amanda Ooten

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Photosynthesis is an essential part of the exchange between humans and plants. Amanda Ooten walks us through the process of photosynthesis, also discussing the relationship between photosynthesis and carbohydrates, starch, and fiber --...
Instructional Video8:07

The Smelly, Oozy, Sometimes Explode-y Science of Garbage

12th - Higher Ed
You ever think about where your trash goes? How long it takes to decompose? And whether your garbage can become ... dangerous? You should! Hank explains the science of trash, how we've dealt with it (or not) over the ages, and both the...