Crash Course Kids
Chemical Changes
We've talked about mixtures and solutions, solutes and solvents, but what about things that can't be undone? What about Chemical Changes? Would it surprise you to know that baking a cake is a Chemical Change? Or striking a match? In this...
New Watery Discoveries on Enceladus and Europa!
These days, it seems like we're finding water all over the solar system. Still, it takes a lot more than a little H2O to support life.
Bozeman Science
The Importance of Oxygen
In this video Paul Andersen explains the importance of oxygen in accepting electrons. He begins with a brief description of combustion. He then explains the role of oxygen in aerobic cellular respiration.
Bozeman Science
Organ Systems
Paul Andersen explains how organs work together to form organ systems and how organ systems work together to form organisms. The kidney and bladder work together to filter blood in the excretory system. The circulatory and respiratory...
Bozeman Science
Biotic and Abiotic Factors
Paul Andersen differentiates between biotic and abiotic factors. He explains how both abiotic and biotic factors can affect organisms at the level of the cell, the population and even the ecosystem. The complexities of biofilms,...
Bozeman Science
The Circulatory System
Paul Andersen surveys the circulatory system in humans. He begins with a short discussion of open and closed circulatory systems and 2,3, and 4-chambered hearts. He describes the movement of blood through the human heart and the blood...
Crash Course
Circulatory & Respiratory Systems - CrashCourse Biology
Hank takes us on a trip around the body - we follow the circulatory and respiratory systems as they deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from cells, and help make it possible for our bodies to function.
Crash Course
Alkene Redox Reactions - Crash Course Organic Chemistry
Oxidation-reduction reactions are going on around us, and inside us, all the time, and we can make redox reactions in organic chemistry easier to understand by tracking carbon-oxygen bonds. In this episode of Crash Course Organic...
Climate Change
In which Hank details the five scariest things that will likely happen because of climate change.
Bozeman Science
Ocean Acidification
In this video Paul Andersen shows how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing a decrease in the pH of the oceans. The carbon dioxide combines with the water to create carbonic acid which dissociates into bicarbonate and carbonate...
Bozeman Science
ESS2D - Weather and Climate
In this video Paul Andersen describes both weather and climate. Weather is the day-to-day conditions on the Earth's surface, including temperature, wind, humidity, air pressure, and precipitation. Climate are the long term conditions...
Crash Course
The History of Life on Earth - Crash Course Ecology
With a solid understanding of biology on the small scale under our belts, it's time for the long view - for the next twelve weeks, we'll be learning how the living things that we've studied interact with and influence each other and...
Bozeman Science
A Beginner's Guide to Graphing Data
Paul Andersen explains how graphs are used to visually display data that is collected in experimentation. He describes five main types of graphs; line graph, scatter plot, bar graph, histogram and pie chart. He describes the important...
Bozeman Science
Acids, Bases, and pH
Paul Andersen explains pH as the power of hydrogen. He explains how increases in the hydronium ion (or hydrogen ion) concentration can lower the pH and create acids. He also explains how the reverse is true. An analysis of a strong...
Bozeman Science
Global Climate Change
In this video Paul Andersen explains how the climate on the earth is affected by the amount of solar radiation and the greenhouse affect. The addition of anthropogenic greenhouse gases has led to global warming which is impacting humans...
Bozeman Science
Cellular Respiration Lab Walkthrough
Mr. Andersen walks you through the cellular respiration lab.
Bozeman Science
Cellular Respiration
Paul Andersen covers the processes of aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration. He starts with a brief description of the two processes. He then describes the important parts of the mitochondria. He explains how energy is transferred...
Bozeman Science
LS1C - Matter and Energy Flow in Organisms
Sustaining life requires substantial energy and matter inputs. The complex struc- tural organization of organisms accommodates the capture, transformation, trans- port, release, and elimination of the matter and energy needed to sustain...
Bozeman Science
Fossil Fuels
In this video Paul Andersen explains how fossil fuels are formed when organic material is heating and squeezed in an anaerobic environment. Formation, extraction, advantages, and disadvantages are discussed for coal, petroleum and...
TED-Ed: Why is pneumonia so dangerous? | Eve Gaus and Vanessa Ruiz
Every time you breathe, air travels down the trachea, through a series of channels, and then reaches little clusters of air sacs in the lungs. These tiny sacs facilitate a crucial exchange: allowing oxygen from the air we breathe into...
What's the Difference Between Baking Powder and Baking Soda
Powder vs. Soda: an important distinction!
Tiny Extremophiles Living in Rocks!
In freezing cold sand, a burning hot mine, or even inside solid rock _ these extremophiles live anywhere that you wouldn't want to live. What are they? How can they live in such extreme places?
TED-Ed: The beneficial bacteria that make delicious food - Erez Garty
Where does bread get its fluffiness? Swiss cheese its holes? And what makes vinegar so sour? These foods may taste completely different, but all of these phenomena come from microorganisms chowing down on sugar and belching up some...
The material that could change the world... for a third time | TED-Ed
Today roads, sidewalks, bridges, and skyscrapers are made of a material called concrete. There's three tons of it for every person on Earth. It's also played a surprisingly large role in rising global temperatures over the last century....