Instructional Video7:35
Curated Video

Geoengineering: The Riskiest Way to Save the Planet

9th - Higher Ed
New ReviewHow do we reduce the impact of climate change, and could geoengineering be the solution? Host Sinead Bovell is joined by sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson and other experts to examine the goal of Global Net Zero Emissions, direct air...
Instructional Video10:28
Curated Video

Earth’s Climate Has Always Changed. Why All the Fuss?

9th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIf you take a look at global temperature graphs that span millions or billions of years, you can see that our planet’s temperature has made wild swings. In fact, the Earth used to be completely covered in snow and ice! So, what’s the big...
Instructional Video8:41
Curated Video

Surprising Truth Behind Planting Trees and Climate Change

9th - Higher Ed
For decades we’ve been planting trees in hopes of reducing carbon pollution. But when it comes to carbon sequestration, have we actually been getting it all backward? We travel to the Pacific Northwest forests of Oregon to see what we...
Instructional Video0:44
Curated Video


6th - 12th
An important digestive enzyme which breaks down starch into sugar. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science Glossary Films...
Instructional Video0:44
Curated Video


6th - 12th
Breathing faster or deeper than necessary. It can happen voluntarily, or as a result of panic or excitement, or due to a medical condition. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using...
Instructional Video0:43
Curated Video

Greenhouse gas

6th - 12th
Any gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and re-emits radiation in the infra-red range, so warming the atmosphere and planet's surface. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning...
Instructional Video0:41
Curated Video

Thermal decomposition

6th - 12th
The chemical breakdown of a compound into simpler substances when heated. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science Glossary...
Instructional Video0:35
Curated Video


6th - 12th
The organelles within plant cells where photosynthesis takes place, harnessing energy from sunlight to make sugars. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise...
Instructional Video0:52
Curated Video


6th - 12th
A small icy body in the Solar System, with a solid nucleus of rock, dust, ice, and frozen gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds...
Instructional Video0:52
Curated Video


6th - 12th
The chemical reaction that takes place in all living cells to release energy from glucose. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig...
Instructional Video0:52
Curated Video


6th - 12th
A layer of gas surrounding a planet or star, held in place by gravity. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science Glossary Films...
Instructional Video0:50
Curated Video


6th - 12th
A green pigment found in all plants and algae, that enables energy from sunlight to be converted to chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60...
Instructional Video0:50
Curated Video

Acid rain

6th - 12th
Rain that is unusually acidic, with a pH less than 5. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science Glossary Films reinforce...
Instructional Video0:48
Curated Video


6th - 12th
A salt or other compound containing a carbonate ion CO32-. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science...
Instructional Video1:20
Curated Video

Factpack: Atmospheric Gases

6th - 12th
Discover the Earth's atmosphere: what it is and what it is made of? Chemistry - Periodic Table - Learning Points. A Twig FactPack Film. Open a discussion on what has been already learnt in a topic, or use to grab attention at...
Instructional Video1:01
Curated Video

Factpack: Digestion

6th - 12th
Amazing facts about digestive organs. Find out what they are, how they work, and how some animals' are different. Biology - Human Body - Learning Points. A Twig FactPack Film. Open a discussion on what has been already learnt...
Instructional Video1:01
Curated Video

Photochemical reactions

6th - 12th
A chemical reaction caused by the absorption of light. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science Glossary Films reinforce...
Instructional Video1:00
Curated Video


6th - 12th
An organism that can make its own food, being able to produce complex organic compounds, such as proteins and carbohydrates. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and...
Instructional Video0:53
Curated Video

Primeval soup

6th - 12th
Or primordial soup, refers to the medium in which the first life on Earth may have originated. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions....
Instructional Video0:55
Curated Video

Photosynthesis: Converting Sunlight into Chemical Energy

6th - 12th
The process that plants use to convert energy from the Sun into chemical energy. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science...
Instructional Video0:54
Curated Video

Fermentation: Converting Carbohydrates into Other Products

6th - 12th
The process by which microorganisms can convert carbohydrates into other products. A Twig Science Glossary Film. Key scientific terms defined in just 60 seconds using stunning images and concise textual definitions. Twig Science...
Instructional Video2:12
Curated Video

Gas Laws

6th - 12th
The air we breathe is made up of a mixture of gases. Discover the invisible forces of gas at work around us. Physics - Forces - Learning Points. The air we breathe is made up of gases including nitrogen, oxygen and carbon...
Instructional Video2:06
Curated Video


6th - 12th
Where does Venus fit into the Solar System and what makes this planet unique? Physics - Our Solar System - Learning Points. Venus is Earth's closest neighbour. Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System. Venus spins in the...
Instructional Video1:34
Curated Video


6th - 12th
Where does Mars fit into the Solar System and what makes this planet unique? Physics - Our Solar System - Learning Points. Mars is the 4th planet from the Sun. Olympus Mons on Mars is the tallest mountain in the Solar System. Rovers...