Instructional Video3:32

Where Does the Candle Wax Go?

12th - Higher Ed
While not used much any more as a primary source of light, candles are still everywhere, from an aroma in a bathroom to a mood during dinner. That is, until they’re gone.
Instructional Video13:15

5 Things Mosquitoes LOVE

12th - Higher Ed
Have you ever wondered why you get bit by mosquitoes more than your friends? Why do mosquitoes love some people but not others? Join Hank Green for a new episode of SciShow and discover what exactly makes people mosquito magnets!
Instructional Video4:21

More Clues to the Oldest Fossils Ever

12th - Higher Ed
New evidence suggests some fossils as the oldest known sign of life on Earth, and scientists may have a way to speed up the process of carbon neutralization in the ocean!
Instructional Video22:02

The Best Way to Cook Food, According to Science | SciShow Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
Did you know that there are good and bad ways to cook your food, according to science? From frying and baking, to zapping and roasting, here are a few scientifically backed dos and don’ts of food preparation and cooking. Let's go!
Instructional Video21:02

How Climate Change Affects Ocean Life | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
We can see the effects of the climate crisis in many different ways here on land. But the oceans are also part of the interconnected, global system. So, here are a few ways that climate change affects our oceanic buddies.
Instructional Video2:25

Is There Less Oxygen in the Winter Since It's Colder?

12th - Higher Ed
Plants make oxygen using photosynthesis, but what happens to the air when those trees drop their leaves in winter?
Instructional Video8:48

A Brief History of Life: Survival Is Hard

12th - Higher Ed
It turns out life may have gotten its start pretty early in Earth's history, and while the first couple billion years saw several important developments, the period was still dominated by very simple life forms. This is our first...
Instructional Video11:36

5 Times Evolution Did Its Best

12th - Higher Ed
Usually when you think of evolution or natural selection, you think of survival of the fittest. But sometimes, the resulting traits of evolution aren’t the most efficient solutions to the problems at hand. With the bar set to “good...
Instructional Video3:14

Limnic Eruptions: When Lakes Explode

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow takes you inside a limnic eruption, a natural disaster that’s as deadly as it is rare.
Instructional Video5:09

How Tattoos Really Work... At Least in Mice

12th - Higher Ed
People have been getting tattoos for thousands of years, but we've never quite been sure why the ink sticks around under our skin. A group of researchers now think they might have the answer. Plus, scientists are on the road to making...
Instructional Video19:09

SciShow: Resolutions Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
Need a determination boost to complete those New Year's Resolutions (or really any kind of resolution)? Look no further than this compilation of SciShow videos from SciShow of yore. Why Our Brains Love Junk Food - 1:11 3 Terrible...
Instructional Video11:45

5 Mysteries Science Created and Solved

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes science creates a mystery, and it can be very difficult to solve! Join Hank for a fun new episode of SciShow about five mysteries started and later solved by science. Let's go! Hosted by: Hank Green
Instructional Video27:01

5 Kinds of Slime Found in Nature | Slime Time Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
What's the scoop on slime? You may have seen green slime on some TV show challenges, but turns out there is some pretty cool slime that occurs naturally in nature! For some animals, slime is vital to their daily lives! Join Stefan Chin...
Instructional Video25:10

What is Your Poo Telling You? What You Should Know About Poop

12th - Higher Ed
We know that everyone poops, but what is your poo actually telling you? Here on SciShow, we've talked a lot about poop and the science behind it—so today's episode is a compilation of answers to your poop related questions! Join Stefan...
Instructional Video7:21

The 5 Most Important Molecules in Your Body

12th - Higher Ed
Your body has all sorts of complicated processes going on, and a lot of them are carried out by incredibly powerful molecules. We’re not talking nutrients -- we’re talking about 5 of the molecules that keep you ticking!
Instructional Video10:13

Climate Change

12th - Higher Ed
In which Hank details the five scariest things that will likely happen because of climate change.
Instructional Video4:22

Oh No...Is Nature Going to Make Climate Change WORSE?! | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Photosynthesis plays a huge role in regulating the earth's CO2. But what happens when the temperature gets high enough that photosynthesis slows down?
Instructional Video5:06

When Climate Change Threatens Climate Solutions | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
When Climate Change Threatens Climate Solutions | SciShow News
Instructional Video2:41

Why Some Frozen Lakes Catch Fire

12th - Higher Ed
Did you know that, despite their serene, picturesque appearance, some frozen lakes can catch fire? Why are climate scientists studying the explosive gas bubbles trapped in lake ice?
Instructional Video19:43
SciShow Kids

Valentine's Day at The Fort! | SciShow Kids Compilation

K - 5th
Jessi and Squeaks are making special valentines for all of their friends! And while they’re working they’re watching older videos to help them remember how they can make the best gifts!
Instructional Video14:37
TED Talks

TED: What a living whale is worth -- and why the economy should protect nature | Ralph Chami

12th - Higher Ed
How much is one living blue whale worth in the fight against climate change? A lot more than you may think, says financial economist Ralph Chami. He explains the value of bringing the language of dollars and cents to conservation -- and...
Instructional Video8:27
Bozeman Science

The Greenhouse Effect

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases keep our planet warm enough to be habitable. He explains how greenhouse gases keep heat closer to the surface. He finally shows how increases in...
Instructional Video12:18
Bozeman Science

Conservation of Atoms

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how atoms are conserved in a chemical reaction. This can be seen in a chemical equation where the subscripts represent the atoms in the molecule and the coefficients represent the molecules. The...
Instructional Video13:25
Bozeman Science

AP Biology Labs - part 1

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen details the first 7 of 13 labs in the AP Biology Curriculum. The following topics are all covered: Artificial Selection, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, Comparing DNA using BLAST, Diffusion and Osmosis, Photosynthesis,...