Instructional Video4:01

TED-Ed: Earth's mysterious red glow, explained | Zoe Pierrat

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In 2009, a satellite circled Earth, scanning and sorting the wavelengths reflecting off the planet's surface. Researchers noticed something baffling: an unexpected wavelength of unknown origin. They tried looking at Earth with only this...
Instructional Video8:33

The Mystery of the Eocene's Lethal Lake

12th - Higher Ed
In 1800s, miners began working in exposed deposits of mud near the town of Messel, Germany. They were extracting oil from the rock and along with the oil, they found beautifully preserved fossils of animals from the Eocene. What happened...
Instructional Video5:40
Bozeman Science

AP Biology Lab 5: Cellular Respiration

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how a respirometer can be used to measure the respiration rate in peas, germinating peas and the worm. KOH is used to solidify CO2 produced by a respiring organism.
Instructional Video2:42

How Do We Know What Air is Like on Other Planets?

12th - Higher Ed
How do we know what the air is like on planets we haven't visited? This video explains how to see air from 150 light years away. Thanks to NASA's James Webb Space Telescope project at the Space Telescope Science Institute for supporting...
Instructional Video10:43
TED Talks

TED: Fossil fuel companies know how to stop global warming. Why don't they? | Myles Allen

12th - Higher Ed
The fossil fuel industry knows how to stop global warming, but they're waiting for someone else to pay, says climate science scholar Myles Allen. Instead of a total ban on carbon-emitting fuels, Allen puts forth a bold plan for oil and...
Instructional Video24:22

Deep Sea Microbiome: SciShow Talk Show

12th - Higher Ed
Hank talks with MacArthur Fellow Dr. Victoria Orphan of CalTech about organisms of the deep sea and the impact it has on our environment.
Instructional Video9:24

Without Volcanoes, Earth Might be Dead

12th - Higher Ed
You might think of plate tectonics as destructive since it's the ultimate force behind earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. But the slow movement of our planet's surface does a lot more than shake things up now and then. Some...
Instructional Video12:10
Crash Course

What is Climate Change? Crash Course Geography

12th - Higher Ed
Today we’re going to talk about climate change which is when there is a change in the average weather patterns in a region over a long period of time - these changes can be natural or human-caused. We’ll discuss the main driving forces...
Instructional Video4:32

This Reaction Could Let Us Live on Mars

12th - Higher Ed
There is a chemical reaction discovered a century ago that could be the key to creating everything from fuel to shelter on Mars!
Instructional Video8:40

5 Weird Things We Believe About Death

12th - Higher Ed
There’s a lot we just don’t know about death, but even among the things we think we do know, there are a lot of misconceptions. Here are 5 weird things we believe about death! Chapters SWIM CRAMPS 1 0:39 GUNSHOT WOUND TO...
Instructional Video5:00

TED-Ed: How quantum mechanics explains global warming - Lieven Scheire

Pre-K - Higher Ed
You've probably heard that carbon dioxide is warming the Earth. But how exactly is it doing it? Lieven Scheire uses a rainbow, a light bulb and a bit of quantum physics to describe the science behind global warming.
Instructional Video4:36

TED-Ed: What if cracks in concrete could fix themselves? - Congrui Jin

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. It can be found in swathes of city pavements, bridges that span vast rivers and the tallest skyscrapers on earth. But it does have a weakness: it's prone to...
Instructional Video18:54
TED Talks

TED: This country isn't just carbon neutral -- it's carbon negative | Tshering Tobgay

12th - Higher Ed
Deep in the Himalayas, on the border between China and India, lies the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has pledged to remain carbon neutral for all time. In this illuminating talk, Bhutan's Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay shares his country's...
Instructional Video2:25

Why Does Water Go Stale Overnight?

12th - Higher Ed
You're going to bed, and you take a sip of cool delicious water, and it's so refreshing. But, when you wake up and take a swig, that water now tastes like bleh. What's going on here? Watch this SciShow Quick Question to find out!
Instructional Video28:36

Seven Ways Poop Saves Lives

12th - Higher Ed
When’s the last time you thought about what your poop can do for you? If you think the answer is “not much,” do we have news for you!
Instructional Video4:26

Could you survive the real Twilight Zone? | Philip Renaud and Kenneth Kostel

Pre-K - Higher Ed
You're traveling deep beneath the ocean's surface, where faint lights flicker and toothy grins flash. Your mission is to survive these depths and journey to the surface after sundown to feed. And as a hatchetfish, almost every other...
Instructional Video21:01

How Climate Change Affects Ocean Life | Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
We can see the effects of the climate crisis in many different ways here on land. But the oceans are also part of the interconnected, global system. So, here are a few ways that climate change affects our oceanic buddies.
Instructional Video5:12

How Tattoos Really Work... At Least in Mice

12th - Higher Ed
People have been getting tattoos for thousands of years, but we've never quite been sure why the ink sticks around under our skin. A group of researchers now think they might have the answer. Plus, scientists are on the road to making...
Instructional Video4:29

Quick, Draw!: Doodling for Science

12th - Higher Ed
Google's fun new time-waster is actually a pretty advanced piece of Artificial Intelligence. And there's some (about 43%) good news about cement's carbon footprint this week!
Instructional Video9:50
Crash Course

Orbitals: Crash Course Chemistry

12th - Higher Ed
In this episode of Crash Course Chemistry, Hank discusses what Molecules actually look like and why, some quantum-mechanical three dimensional wave functions are explored, he touches on hybridization, and delves into sigma and pi bonds....
Instructional Video3:59

How Ancient Pollen Can Predict The Future

12th - Higher Ed
We don't need a time machine to learn from the past (but let us know if you find one)! Air bubbles trapped in ice for millennia and ancient pollen grains can tell us a lot about climate shifts hundreds of thousands of years ago!
Instructional Video3:10

Humanity Breaks an Ominous Record

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow News explains an ominous record that Homo sapiens just broke: the highest levels of carbon dioxide emissions, the leading factor in global warming. Hank explains what it means, and what we can do.
Instructional Video28:03

Early Galaxies Ran on Empty Gas Tanks

12th - Higher Ed
Many galaxies formed fast after the Big Bang, but about half of them suddenly stopped making new stars and it looks like this is literally because they ran out of gas. And with new instruments and techniques, we are now finding lost...
Instructional Video16:37
TED Talks

TED: The tiny creature that secretly powers the planet | Penny Chisholm

12th - Higher Ed
Oceanographer Penny Chisholm introduces us to an amazing little being: Prochlorococcus, the most abundant photosynthetic species on the planet. A marine microbe that has existed for millions of years, Prochlorococcus wasn't discovered...