Instructional Video4:31

Limestone Cycle - limestone, quicklime and slaked lime

6th - Higher Ed
Limestone Cycle - limestone, quicklime and slaked lime | Chemistry | FuseSchool Learn the basics about limestone cycle - limestone, quicklime and slaked lime. What are their properties, similarities and differences? Find out more in...
Instructional Video10:43
Learning Mole

Characteristics of Plants

Pre-K - 12th
This animated plants video lesson is all about characteristics of plants. Students will love this engaging and interactive video as they learn about the world around us.
Instructional Video12:21
Mazz Media

Seed and Plants

6th - 8th
In addition to learning about the structure and characteristics of seeds and plants, this program takes viewers to different locations around the world world. They'll learn about the diversity of plants throughout the various land...
Instructional Video6:37
Curated Video

Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration: Energy Production in Living Organisms

Higher Ed
This video explains the concept of cellular respiration and the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. It explains the word and chemical symbol equations for aerobic and anaerobic respiration, as well as the differences...
Instructional Video4:31
Curated Video

Five Facts- Rainforests

Pre-K - 5th
This video explores five fun facts about Rainforests.
Instructional Video2:26

Intro to the Circulatory System

6th - Higher Ed
The circulatory system works to transport oxygen and nutrients to cells in your body, while removing waste products (such as carbon dioxide) at the same time. This system is actually a double circulatory system, made of two circuits -...
Instructional Video12:31
Catalyst University

How can fuel combust into a GIANT FIRE? | Hydrocarbon Combustion Mechanism

Higher Ed
Obviously, gasoline and other fuels burn in the presence of fire. How does this occur? Here, we will explore the activation of oxygen to it excited singlet state and combustion of the hydrocarbon, octane. Join us here.
Instructional Video5:02
Curated Video

Introduction to Representing Elements and Compounds in Chemistry

Higher Ed
This video is a lesson on how to represent elements and compounds in terms of the atoms they can take. The video covers the definition of an element, the periodic table, chemical symbols, and formulas. It also explains how compounds are...
Instructional Video2:32

BIOLOGY - Physiology - Aerobic Respiration

6th - Higher Ed
Respiration is the chemical process that supplies the body with energy for all other life processes: growth and repair of cells, muscle contraction, protein synthesis, sending nerve impulses, absorbing molecules in active transport to...
Instructional Video3:20
Rock 'N Learn

Human body: The Respiratory System

K - 5th
Human Body for Kids engages young, inquisitive learners, while the depth of material gets older students ready for tests. Join Kevin and his friends to explore the respiratory system.
Instructional Video5:06
Encyclopaedia Britannica

EB Presents: Global Warming Infographic Explainer

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Learn more about the major kinds of pollution in this infographic explainer.
Instructional Video1:40
Visual Learning Systems

People and Climate Change

9th - 12th
This video discusses the impact of human activity on Earth's climate and emphasizes the role of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, in causing global warming. This video is part of the 6-part series, Changing Climate.
Instructional Video16:35
Catalyst University

Factors that Affect Diffusion Rate

Higher Ed
In this video, we will discuss four factors that affect the rate of diffusion: molecular weight, concentration gradient, surface area-volume ratio, and the temperature.
Instructional Video13:30
Institute of Human Anatomy

Exploring the Heart and Its Valves

Higher Ed
This is a video about the anatomy of the heart, where the teacher takes the viewer on a journey through the heart's valves and strings using a real heart and a Magic School Bus simulation. The video explains the function of the heart's...
Instructional Video10:21
Learning Mole

Plants and the Environment

Pre-K - 12th
This animated plants video lesson is all about plants and the environment. Students will love this engaging and interactive video as they learn about the world around us.
Instructional Video3:20
Curated Video

Five Facts - Climate Change

Pre-K - 5th
This video explores five fun facts about Climate Change
Instructional Video7:20
Curated Video

Photosynthesis: The Biochemistry Behind How Plants Make Their Food

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Plants, unlike most living things, produce their own food through a process called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis means 'making using light'. Plants use the energy from the sunlight to make food. The food matter comes from carbon dioxide...
Instructional Video1:34
Visual Learning Systems

Photosynthesis and Plant Responses: Chemical Reactions in Photosynthesis

9th - 12th
Students will learn why photosynthesis is so important to us. The different plant structures and compounds involved in photosynthesis and transpiration are highlighted. Beyond photosynthesis, plant responses to certain stimuli and...
Instructional Video5:41

Weather Things: Weather Beauty

6th - 8th
The atmosphere is dynamic and forever changing to maintain balance. The ingredients of air, sunlight and water allow life to exist on Earth, but they also generate calm scenes like rainbows, as a tornado ends. All storms move moisture,...
Instructional Video20:29
Mazz Media

The Science of Climate Change

6th - 8th
Real World Science : The Science of Climate Change This program begins by explaining how scientists have learned that Earth’s climate has changed many times over billions of years and that Earth’s climate is always changing. Students...
Instructional Video8:39
Curated Video

Understanding Global Climate Change and its Effects

Higher Ed
This video explains the concept of global climate change and its potential effects on the Earth. It discusses the scientific consensus that the Earth's temperature is rising due to the emission of greenhouse gases, the resulting melting...
Instructional Video18:36

Science Kids: Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems

K - 5th
This video explores the concepts of matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems. It explains how food provides energy for organisms, how plants use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into glucose, and how consumers obtain energy by...
Instructional Video8:26
Planet PE

GCSE PE- Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

9th - 12th
In this video I take you through the definitions of Aerobic and Anaerobic exercise and show you what the GCSE PE examiners are looking for you to do in the summer.
Earth Rangers

Forests are Big Ecosystems

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Forests provide much more than public spaces for exercise, relaxation, and enjoying nature. They are complex ecosystems characterized by biodiversity. Forests are vital to Earth’s water cycle and ensure the survival of all living things...