Structure Of The Leaf
Plants make food through photosynthesis. Using their leaves, plants combine sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and oxygen. A leaf is like a plant's food factory, collecting all of the components into one place so that...
Curated Video
Properties and Benefits of Carbonated Water
Learn how carbonated water is made and about its effects on health. Various additives and flavors are commonly found in carbonated water. Some of these properties have potential benefits such as improved digestion and increased water...
Gas Exchange In Different Animals
Respiration is carried out by all living things. Animals need oxygen to carry out aerobic respiration and they need to get rid of the waste product called carbon dioxide. This is called gas exchange. Swapping one gas for another. Animals...
Mazz Media
Signs of Chemical Reactions
Through real world examples, students will come to understand that chemical reactions cause reactants to undergo changes, so the products have different properties. Viewers will learn about single displacement and double displacement...
BIOLOGY - Plant Biology - What is photosynthesis
We wouldn’t have life without photosynthesis; life processes depend upon it. Not only are photosynthetic organisms the main producers of food, but without photosynthesis Earth’s atmosphere would lose its oxygen. In photosynthesis is that...
Learning Mole
Plants and Environment
A video created for, and aimed at primary school science students learning all about plants. This video explores plants and their effects on the environment.
Learning Mole
Characteristic of Plants
A video created for, and aimed at primary school science students learning all about plants. This video will bring students through the overall characteristics of a plant and therefore teach them to identify/define a plant.
Mazz Media
This live-action video program is about the word consumer. The program is designed to reinforce and support a student's comprehension and retention of the word consumer through use of video footage, photographs, diagrams and colorful,...
Burning Fossil Fuels and Climate Change
Learn the basics about climate change and how burning fossil fuels adds extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, and how this then leads to climate change. Fossil fuels, like oil, coal and natural gas, are the remains of living things...
Catalyst University
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures for Anatomy & Physiology
In this video, we discuss the following:
[1] what is a partial pressure?
[2] the basics of Dalton's law of partial pressures
[3] how these relate to atmospheric gas that we breathe
Professor Dave Explains
Phase Changes, Heats of Fusion and Vaporization, and Phase Diagrams
What the heck is dry ice and why is it so spooky? Learn this and more when we investigate phase changes and phase diagrams!
Visual Learning Systems
Plant Structure and Function: Leaves
Students will learn how the structures of plants such as roots, stems, and leaves enable them to live and grow. Real-life applications show how these plant structures are useful sources of food, building materials and medicine. Other...
Weather Things: Energy
The atmosphere is dynamic and forever changing to maintain balance. The ingredients of air, sunlight and water allow life to exist on Earth, but they also generate calm scenes like rainbows, as a tornado ends. All storms move moisture,...
BIOLOGY - Physiology - Respiratory System
Your respiratory system is a system in humans that is designed to extract oxygen from the air so we can use it in respiration around the body and at the same time get rid of carbon dioxide gas into the air which is the waste product from...
Professor Dave Explains
Venus: Earth's Sister Planet
The next planet from the Sun after Mercury is Venus. This planet is the most similar to Earth in terms of size and mass, but it wouldn't look and feel the same if you went for a visit. Incredible heat and pressure from the thick...
Acid rain
Learn the basics about Acid Rain. What causes acid rain? Find out more in this video!
Ancient Lights Media
Attributes of the Inner Planets
Planets Set: 1. This clip introduces the characteristics of the inner planets of Mercury, Mars, Venus and Earth.
Weather Things: Ocean Influence
Climate is the average type of weather that a region has. It is defined by temperature and moisture. Proximity to oceans and large mountain ranges defines climate too, depending upon the prevailing wind. While climates change over...
Science Kids: Exploring the Tropical Rainforest
In this video, we embark on an exciting journey to explore the wonders of the tropical rainforest. We learn about the incredible benefits that rainforests provide to our planet, including carbon dioxide removal, temperature regulation,...
Photosynthesis & Respiration
Learn the basics about Photosynthesis and respiration. What is Photosynthesis? How do plants make their own food? Find out more in this video!
Professor Dave Explains
Radiometric Dating: Carbon-14 and Uranium-238
When you read about the ages of certain ancient artifacts, or even the age of the earth itself, how do we know such numbers? How can we know that a fossil is precisely 250 million years old? The key technique here is radiometric dating....
Professor Dave Explains
Mars: The Red Planet
Mars has been all over the news and media lately. It certainly looks like humans will set foot upon its surface very soon! Just in case you're one of the lucky people who get to go, you'd better learn all about the planet first, don't...
Minerals and Ores
Learn the basics about Minerals and Ores from a perspective of the Chemical Sciences.
Minerals & Ores & The Extraction Of Minerals
Learn the basics about Minerals and Ores from a perspective of the Chemical Sciences.