Climate Change Could Be Taking the Ocean’s Breath Away
The Labrador Sea is also known as the ocean's lung, and there's evidence that it's in a lot of trouble.
Limnic Eruptions: When Lakes Explode
SciShow takes you inside a limnic eruption, a natural disaster that's as deadly as it is rare.
The Faint Young Sun Paradox!
This video was supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation. To learn more, visit
Credits (and Twitter handles):
Script Writer: Emily Elert (@eelert)
Script Editor: Rachel Becker (@RA_Becks)
SciShow Quiz Show: Pit Stains & Climate Change
Megan Toenyes, a former SciShow videomaker returns for a showdown with her former employer!
TED Talks
TED: Discovering ancient climates in oceans and ice | Rob Dunbar
Rob Dunbar hunts for data on our climate from 12,000 years ago, finding clues inside ancient seabeds and corals and inside ice sheets. His work is vital in setting baselines for fixing our current climate -- and in tracking the rise of...
Can Seaweed Save the World?
Although plants are great carbon-removing tools, plant agriculture produces a significant carbon footprint. So, some researchers think we could turn to the oceans (specifically, seaweed) to help reverse some of the effects of climate...
Thank Climate Change for the Awful Allergy Season
Every spring, around 20% of the population enters the season of sniffles, and some years are worse than others. But lately, there just don’t seem to be any better years because the different effects of climate change seem to be working...
What's the Best Way to Pour Beer
Be the hit of your party and learn how to pour the perfect beer-- (with the additional party trick of knowing the chemistry behind why, of course!)
TED Talks
TED: Can we stop climate change by removing CO2 from the air? | Tim Kruger
Could we cure climate change? Geoengineering researcher Tim Kruger wants to try. He shares one promising possibility: using natural gas to generate electricity in a way that takes carbon dioxide out of the air. Learn more -- both the...
TED Talks
TED: Inside an Antarctic time machine | Lee Hotz
Science columnist Lee Hotz describes a remarkable project at WAIS Divide, Antarctica, where a hardy team are drilling into ten-thousand-year-old ice to extract vital data on our changing climate.
TED Talks
Leyla Acaroglu: Paper beats plastic? How to rethink environmental folklore
Most of us want to do the right thing when it comes to the environment. But things aren’t as simple as opting for the paper bag, says sustainability strategist Leyla Acaroglu. A bold call for us to let go of tightly-held green myths and...
The Weirdest Places Made by Carbon Dioxide | SciShow Compilation
Carbon dioxide is the biggest player in the climate crisis, reshaping our world in an urgent way, but that’s not the only way CO2 has changed the world. It’s also contributed to making some of the weirdest places on Earth.
TED Talks
TED: Art made of the air we breathe | emily Parsons-Lord
emily Parsons-Lord re-creates air from distinct moments in earth's history -- from the clean, fresh-tasting air of the Carboniferous period to the soda-water air of the Great Dying to the heavy, toxic air of the future we're creating. By...
TED Talks
TED: Let's launch a satellite to track a threatening greenhouse gas | Fred Krupp
When we talk about greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide gets the most attention -- but methane, which often escapes unseen from pipes and wells, has a far greater immediate impact on global warming. Environmentalist Fred Krupp has an idea to...
4 Science Superlatives of 2014
SciShow News looks at some of the firsts, highests, and lowests of the year in science.
The Night Sky in Infrared
James Webb wouldn’t be equipped to look in the infrared if not for the previous missions that have allowed us to see the universe in wavelengths that the human eye can’t see!
TED Talks
TED: Can clouds buy us more time to solve climate change? | Kate Marvel
Climate change is real, case closed. But there's still a lot we don't understand about it, and the more we know the better chance we have to slow it down. One still-unknown factor: How might clouds play a part? There's a small hope that...
Life in a Mars Colony
Could we one day live on Mars? Reid Reimers explains Mars One could help colonize the red planet.
This Beautiful House Is Made of Snot
These giant balls of mucus may seem like a bizarre sight in the open ocean, but all this snot serves a purpose, both for the tiny creatures that produce it and for the entire ocean ecosystem!
They're Calling It: The Forbidden Planet
We’ve discovered a planet that, for its size, is in a very strange place around it’s star! And other scientists, inspired by comets, have come up with a new way to potentially make breathable oxygen for people exploring Mars in the future.
TED Talks
TED: A dive into the reef's Twilight Zone | Richard Pyle
In this illuminating talk, Richard Pyle shows us thriving life on the cliffs of coral reefs and groundbreaking diving technologies he has pioneered to explore it. He and his team risk everything to reveal the secrets of undiscovered...
How To Turn Poop Into Power
We could generate a lot of usable energy from human and animal poop through greater adoption of a process for using microbes to break down poop into methane gas.
To learn more, start your...
TED Talks
TED: The emergent patterns of climate change | Gavin Schmidt
You can't understand climate change in pieces, says climate scientist Gavin Schmidt. It's the whole, or it's nothing. In this illuminating talk, he explains how he studies the big picture of climate change with mesmerizing models that...
Weird Places: Movile Cave
In 1986, a prospecting crew in southern Romania was looking for a good place to build a geothermal power plant, when they accidentally discovered one of the oddest caves of all