TED Talks
Michael Green: Why we should build wooden skyscrapers
Building a skyscraper? Forget about steel and concrete, says architect Michael Green, and build it out of … wood. As he details in this intriguing talk, it's not only possible to build safe wooden structures up to 30 stories tall (and,...
What’s a mosquito’s favorite color? #shorts #science #SciShow
What’s a mosquito’s favorite color? #shorts #science #SciShow
NASA's Next Target: Earth
SciShow Space News tells you about NASA's latest launch -- the first mission dedicated to measuring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere -- and gives you a primer on what the June solstice really is!
There’s A New Tyrannosaurus in Town
The Tyrannosaurus genus might have been more diverse than we thought. And researchers show how the composition of the early Earth could have accelerated its move towards habitability.
Why does Swiss cheese have holes? #shorts #science #SciShow
Why does Swiss cheese have holes? #shorts #science #SciShow
MOXIE and SpaceX launch
NASA's MOXIE successfully creates Oxygen on Mars, and SpaceX's Crew-Dragon successfully returns to the ISS.
Plants and Higher CO₂ #shorts #science #SciShow #ClimeworksTeamEarth #climatechange #climeworks
Plants and Higher CO₂ #shorts #science #SciShow #ClimeworksTeamEarth #climatechange #climeworks
The Ingredients for Life in Space
Hank explains the latest developments in space research and the search for life, including the discovery that amino acids may be more common than we thought throughout the solar system, and the latest findings from the Mars Curiosity rover.
Phytoplankton: Arguably the Most Important Life on Earth
There are incredible creatures living in the ocean that have the power to reshape the planet’s atmosphere - and you’ve probably never even seen them before. These microscopic critters are called phytoplankton, and almost all life, both...
The Future of Driving | Compilation
Self driving cars and self-repairing roads: the future of driving is bright, or at least less aggravating.
TED-Ed: How a single-celled organism almost wiped out life on Earth - Anusuya Willis
There's an organism that changed the world. It caused the first mass extinction in Earth's history and also paved the way for complex life. How? Anusuya Willis explains how cyanobacteria, simple organisms that don't even have nuclei or...
Bozeman Science
I See CO2
Song written by Herman Jolly
Vocals: Herman Jolly and Megan Pickerel
Programming, Synths, Production and Mixing by Tony Lash
Kids: Ruby, Emmet, Lucas, and Mayfiel
Amoeba Sisters
Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
Explore the cycling of carbon among carbon reservoirs! Then discover the importance of nitrogen, essential for amino acids and nucleotides, and learn about the nitrogen cycle! Expand details for table of contents.
Table of...
How Climate Change Is Creating More Space Junk
You’ve probably heard a lot about how climate change is affecting our planet, but did you know a warming climate also affects objects in space?
Mass Extinctions
Hank takes us on a trip through time to revisit the 5 major mass extinction events that have impacted species over the Earth's history, and leaves us with some thoughts about what could possibly be the sixth event - the one caused by...
Crash Course
Why the Evolutionary Epic Matters: Crash Course Big History
Today we're talking about evolution_basically the history of all life on Earth. The thing is, why are we talking about this. Well, the story of life, all the way back to single celled microbes billions of years ago, is all part of our...
TED-ED: The invisible motion of still objects - Ran Tivony
Many of the inanimate objects around you probably seem perfectly still. But look deep into the atomic structure of any of them, and you'll see a world in constant flux - with stretching, contracting, springing, jittering, drifting atoms...
TED Talks
TED: The billion-dollar pollution solution humanity needs right now | Stacy Kauk
Could the same mechanism used to accelerate vaccine development work for spurring solutions to the climate crisis? Sustainability innovator Stacy Kauk introduces the billion-dollar fund to supercharge the carbon removal market, which...
TED Talks
TED: Technology that knows what you're feeling | Poppy Crum
What happens when technology knows more about us than we do? Poppy Crum studies how we express emotions -- and she suggests the end of the poker face is near, as new tech makes it easy to see the signals that give away how we're feeling....
TED-Ed: How do oysters make pearls? | Rob Ulrich
Despite their iridescent colors and smooth shapes, pearls are actually made of the exact same material as the craggy shell that surrounds them. Pearls, urchin spines, the shells of mussels, snails and clams, even coral— all these...
3 Extreme Climate Fixes
Hank talks about a few - maybe crazy, maybe reasonable - geoengineering schemes that some scientists have come up with in order to "fix" climate change, including designer clouds, ocean fertilization, and stratospheric shading with...
TED Talks
Stewart Brand + Mark Z. Jacobson: Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy?
Nuclear power: the energy crisis has even die-hard environmentalists reconsidering it. In this first-ever TED debate, Stewart Brand and Mark Z. Jacobson square off over the pros and cons. A discussion that'll make you think -- and might...
Bozeman Science
Synthesis and Decomposition Reactions
Atoms or molecules combine to form a new compound in a synthesis reaction. Examples include the addition of oxygen to magnesium metal to create magnesium oxide and the addition of carbon dioxide to water to crete carbonic acid. A...
What Keeps Astronauts Up At Night?
Sleep is a crucial activity for our brains to function properly. But when you’re on the ISS, you face a myriad of distractions and obligations that make it difficult to get good shuteye. So how do these astronauts ever get restful sleep?